项目作者: AdrienJaugey

项目描述 :
Final project of AI classes during last year of IT Engineering School. Face mask detector using Tensorflow 2 and Efficientdet D0 and D1 from its Object Detection API.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/AdrienJaugey/JAUGEY_SUILLOT-Face-Mask-Detector-Project.git

Facemask Detector Project

This project is the final class project of an AI classes during last year of IT Engineering School.


The main goal of this project is to develop and train an AI (completely or by using existing ones) that will detect faces with or without masks, and also improperly worn masks.


  • The evaluation dataset is the Face Mask Detection dataset by andrewmvd on Kaggle.
  • The dataset used to train this detector is a custom dataset made by all the groups working on this project.

We will use the same classes as the Kaggle dataset :

  • with_mask : the person is wearing a face mask properly,
  • mask_weared_incorrect : the person is wearing a face mask improperly,
  • without_mask : the person is not wearing a face mask.


    We use the Efficientdet D1 and Efficientdet D0 AIs from the Tensorflow Object Detection API that we have trained with our custom dataset.

    How to use

    1. Download or clone this repository
    2. Create a new Python environment (virtualenv, conda…)
    3. Using this environment, install pip packages using requirements.txt file
      • In your terminal, type python -m pip install -r requirements.txt,
      • If you have a CUDA-Capable GPU, you can install CUDA and cuDNN for the last TensorFlow version.
    4. Start the FaceMaskDetector.py script using same environment.

    To start inference on the eval dataset :
    python FaceMaskDetector.py —eval [—version ] [—minScore ] [—save] [—noviz]

To start inference on the camera stream :
python FaceMaskDetector.py —inference [—version ] [—minScore ] [—camera ]

To start inference on a single image :
python FaceMaskDetector.py —inference [—version ] [—minScore ] —file [—save] [—noviz]

To display the help message :
python FaceMaskDetector.py -h

usage: [-h] [-i] [-v {d0_v1,d1_v1}] [-f FILE_PATH] [-s] [-m MIN_SCORE] [-nv] [-c CAMERA_NAME]

optional arguments:
-h, —help Show this help message and exit
-i, —inference Start the Face Mask Detector in Inference mode on camera input or given image. Not adding this flag
will start the Face Mask Detector in Evaluation mode (run inferences on “images” folder).
-v {d0_v1,d1_v1}, —version {d0_v1,d1_v1}
Select the model to use.
Specify the input image for Inference mode instead of using camera. Ignored if evaluation mode is enabled.
-s, —save Images with detection results will be saved (not when using camera).
Set the minimum score to display a detection (between 0 and 1 inclusive).
-nv, —noviz Image(s) will not be displayed.
Choosing camera/video stream to use. Default is 0.


Project Members

Name GitHub profile
Adrien JAUGEY https://github.com/AdrienJaugey
Bastien SUILLOT https://github.com/Ricotimes