项目作者: ehForwarderBot

项目描述 :
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ehForwarderBot/efb-mp-instantview-middleware.git

MPInstantViewMiddleware: A middleware for EFB


Middleware ID: catbaron.mp_instantview

The middleware ID was catbaron.mp_instanceview before version 0.3.0. Please take care of it, especially please remeber to update the configure file of EFB ($HOME/.ehforwarderbot/profiles/default/config.yaml).

MPInstantViewMiddleware is a middleware of EFB enable instant view for articles of official accounts.

How it works

This middleware generates a telegraph page for links sent by official accounts of wechat, which will enable the instant view. Thus you need an access_token (introduced below).


  • Python >= 3.6
  • EFB >= 2.0.0
  • PyYaml
  • bs4
  • requests[sock]

Install and configuration


  1. pip install efb-mp-instantview-middleware


Register to EFB
Following this document to edit the config file. The config file by default is $HOME/.ehforwarderbot/profiles/default. It should look like:

  1. master_channel: foo.demo_master
  2. slave_channels:
  3. - foo.demo_slave
  4. - bar.dummy
  5. middlewares:
  6. - foo.other_middlewares
  7. - catbaron.mp_instantview

You only need to add the last line to your config file.

Configure the middleware

The config file by default is $HOME/.ehforwarderbot/profiles/default/catbaron.mp_instantview/config.yaml.
Please create the config file if there is not one. You need to have a telegraph token and save it here. You can get a token following the document. The access_token is what you need.

This middleware need access to https://telegra.ph, add the proxy url to the configure file if necessary.

  1. # Token of telegraph
  2. telegraph_token: ACCESS_TOKEN
  3. # Optional. Proxy url.
  4. # Example:
  5. # proxy_url: socks5://<user>:<pass>@<host>:<port>
  6. # proxy_url: socks5://<host>:<port>
  7. # proxy_url: http://<host>:<port>
  8. proxy_url: PROXY_URL

Restart EFB.