项目作者: JuanmaMN

项目描述 :
US analyses
高级语言: R
项目地址: git://github.com/JuanmaMN/United-States.git
创建时间: 2021-03-13T14:26:29Z



This repository provides different analyses of the United States of America :us: on a wide range of topics such as US elections, economy, among others.

Code has been uploaded to the different folders.

Feedback is welcome and appreciated. Please feel free to follow me on Twitter.

US elections

This is a personal project where I will be publishing my analyses on US elections done on R studio and Tableau.

The source of all datasets is from MIT Election Data + Science Lab.

US Presidential election 2020

Code is available here.

US presidential map - Democrat - arrange

Maine (Biden 3 - Trump 1). Nebraska (Trump 4 - Biden 1)

### US Presidential and Senate elections 2020

Code is available here.

US election and senate map (2)

Maine (Biden 3 - Trump 1). Nebraska (Trump 4 - Biden 1)

### US House 2018 and Senate 2020 elections

Code is available here.

US election house and senate (3)

# US economy

This is a personal project where I will be publishing my analyses on US economy done on R studio and Tableau.

The source of all datasets is from U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS.

### Unemployment Rates by State

Code is available here.

1 1 - State unemployment

### Per capita personal income by State

Code is available here.

3- Personal income

Both slides together - Personal Income

Analysis of the income change between 2019 and 2020. Behance article with more analyses.

US county percentage change of income

US Gross Domestic Product by State

Code is available here.

Tableau visualization link.

5 - GDP State

### Unemployment Rate by County

Code is available here.

Tableau visualization link.

4- US County

Both slides together

# US Business and Consumer confidence

This is a personal project where I will be publishing my analyses on US confidence indexes done on R studio and Tableau.

The source of all datasets is from OECD.

### Consumer confidence

Code is available here.

Consumer index - github

Business confidence

Code is available here.

Business index - Github

Business and Consumer confidence

Code is available here.

Business and Consumer index - github

US Droughts

Code is available here.

Entry for #TidyTuesday on July 20th 2021.

US map - 20-7-2021

# US - China trade


Code is available here.

US trade

US trade