MQTT Repl for MicroPython
This repo contains work in progress, it may or may not be useful to you…
(asyncio) based repl in callbacksThe src
directory contains a proof of concept repl that uses the awesome mqtt_as by
Peter Hinch from
It has been modified a bit and uses a slightly altered version of uasyncio (from the
micropython-lib) to allow for one-shot running of coroutines instead of run_forever
The src/
“main” starts the MQTT connection and registers some callbacks such that
the MQTT client and the associated subscription keep running in the background, very similar to
the webrepl. When everything is set-up, mqrepl drops back into the repl prompt.
Commands can be sent to the repl using the topic defined by REPL_IN
, for example:
> mosquitto_pub -h --debug -p 8883 -u core --psk-identity core --psk bb000000000000000000000000000030 -t esp32/mqtest/repl/in -m "print('hello')
Client mosq-QcEKHJzNtxQEMWtzzk sending CONNECT
Client mosq-QcEKHJzNtxQEMWtzzk received CONNACK (0)
Client mosq-QcEKHJzNtxQEMWtzzk sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'esp32/mqtest/repl/in', ... (15 bytes))
Client mosq-QcEKHJzNtxQEMWtzzk sending DISCONNECT
The esp32 will eval
or exec
the python expression/statement and send the reply back on the
topic defined by REPL_OUT
in json form, for example:
> mosquitto_sub -h --debug -p 8883 -u core --psk-identity c
ore --psk bb5ec51f995a1c995eeccbdc47898530 -t esp32/mqtest/repl/out
Client mosq-a32XHgSJkfXmVTLUkA sending CONNECT
Client mosq-a32XHgSJkfXmVTLUkA received CONNACK (0)
Client mosq-a32XHgSJkfXmVTLUkA sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: esp32/mqtest/repl/out, QoS: 0, Opti
ons: 0x00)
Client mosq-a32XHgSJkfXmVTLUkA received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client mosq-a32XHgSJkfXmVTLUkA sending PINGREQ
Client mosq-a32XHgSJkfXmVTLUkA received PINGRESP
Client mosq-a32XHgSJkfXmVTLUkA received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'esp32/mqtest/repl/out', ... (45 by
Where r
is the expression result, o
is the output, and e
is any exception printout.
Note that the way the MQTT async loop is currently run is rather hackinsh and needs further work!
based replThe mqtt-simple
directory contains a callback-based repl experiment that uses a slightly modified
version of umqtt.simple
from the micropython-lib.
The asyncio directory contains a first repl experiment based on mqtt_as