Check the balance of an xpub and its addresses
Checks the balance of an xpub and its addresses, uses Esplora to collect address information.
Also works with the other extended public key types (ypub and zpub)
xpub-balance 0.1.0
Checks the balance of an xpub and its addresses
xpub-balance.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <xpub> [ARGS]
-c, --change Show change instead of receive addresses. Doesn't effect the total balance calculation
-h, --help Prints help information
-o, --offline Only show addresses. No reqests will be send
-V, --version Prints version information
-e, --esplora <esplora> Use a specific Esplora URL [default:]
-n <n> Total number of indexes to check. Each index has two addresses: a receive and a change
address. Relevant for the total balance calculation [default: 100]
<xpub> Extended public key of your wallet account. Either xpub, ypub or zpub
<start> First index to print [default: 0]
<end> Last index to print [default: 15]
$xpub-balance xpub6BosfCnifzxcFwrSzQiqu2DBVTshkCXacvNsWGYJVVhhawA7d4R5WSWGFNbi8Aw6ZRc1brx
MyWMzG3DSSSSoekkudhUd9yLb6qx39T9nMdj 0 10
0/0 1LqBGSKuX5yYUonjxT5qGfpUsXKYYWeabA 0 sat 12 txs
0/1 1Ak8PffB2meyfYnbXZR9EGfLfFZVpzJvQP 0 sat 4 txs
0/2 1MNF5RSaabFwcbtJirJwKnDytsXXEsVsNb 0 sat 6 txs
0/3 1MVGa13XFvvpKGZdX389iU8b3qwtmAyrsJ 0 sat 2 txs
0/4 1Gka4JdwhLxRwXaC6oLNH4YuEogeeSwqW7 0 sat 2 txs
0/5 19a7HGg32ecPQo49rDeM2NSFJHPqrwSJto 0 sat 9 txs
0/6 1GuMEkKyqqRz3jKZJPNxZNoJv72rRDm88o 0 sat 7 txs
0/7 1B1wDxGPrfqWSi4qvQvaPdunD6kon3CeDG 0 sat 4 txs
0/8 1BMZTqDtNogSEs1oZoGxRqfR6jS2tVxvHX 0 sat 4 txs
0/9 1DUrqK4hj6vNNUTWXADpbqyjVWUYFD7xTZ 0 sat 2 txs
0/10 146emAmGumhnsT9nPCALU2JWeS4koxfFRB 0 sat 2 txs
-> total balance : 0 sat
-> total transactions: 98 txs