Esplora Arduino Board Servo Example
This program uses the Esplora board’s slider to move a servo connected to a breadboard.
I used this website (Link removed due to redirecting to fishy shit, will replace later) to find the specific pin out numbers for the Esplora
The program reads the slider serial ouput at 9600 baud and maps the read out from a range of 0-1023 to 0-180. The program then takes the new mapped read out and sends it to both the serial terminal and to the servo. The servo then moves to the new position.
Libraries Esplora and Servo which can be downloaded through the Arduino IDE.
1.”Can I use this program for my own program?”
Yes, you can.
Without editing, no. You will need to change a lot. Message me if you need help.
Theres really not a lot of projects to get started with the Esplora except with the examples provided by the Esplora Library.