Pheature flags main repository
Hi there! Welcome to our project 👋 We are a group of online business professionals who want to learn, grow and enjoy
making our jobs a better place. We’re excited that you’re here to learn more about it and grow together 😉 .
🚧 We are at early development stage, every contribution of every type will be welcome and properly attributed.
Pheature Flags is a release management system that allows to activate and deactivate specific features in controlled conditions:
Key Features
Our main goal is to build trusted relationships between developers and stakeholders around the software release process.
Want to learn more?
Check our getting started guide to get Pheature Flags up and running in minutes.
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Feel free to check out the roadmap, open an issue to request new features or report a bug, sharing or writing about. Don’t forget to read
our contribution guidelines and our code of conduct. We are happy to listen to everybody,
receive feedback, and learn from different approaches.
We really believe in the Open Source Software, we built our carers around it, and we feel that we need to return our
knowledge to the community. For this reason we release all our packages under BSD-3-Clause licence.