A lightweight, easy youtube channel & playlist feed aggregator
A lightweight, easy to use youtube channel & playlist feed aggregator
and create a file named data.json
in a text editor and therein type {}
or run python app.py flask run
in the terminallocalhost
on your web browserAdd Channel
on the TinyFeed homepage and paste in the IDUCtkZ7ARSt6LjifuTDkajT-g
javascript: for (var arrScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i = 0; i < arrScripts.length; i++) {if (arrScripts[i].textContent.indexOf('externalId') != -1) {var channelId = arrScripts[i].textContent.match(/\"externalId\"\s*\:\s*\"(.*?)\"/)[1];var channelTitle = document.title.match(/\(?\d*\)?\s?(.*?)\s\-\sYouTube/)[1];alert('The ID of the channel \'' + channelTitle + '\' is:\n\n' + channelId);break;}}
Pyinstaller may be used to build TinyFeed though this has not been tested yet. There are plans to release Windows and Linux binaries in the future.
All limitations resultant of the youtube channel and playlist rss/atom feed affect TinyFeed and may impede its proper functioning in certain cases.
This project is released under the GPL-3.0 license. See the included license file.