项目作者: OE-FET

项目描述 :
MATLAB scripts to load, plot and analyze FET sweep data.
高级语言: MATLAB
项目地址: git://github.com/OE-FET/fet_analyses.git
创建时间: 2019-01-28T18:42:24Z




MATLAB scripts to load, plot, and analyze FET sweep data.


Download the scripts from github, for instance with:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/OE-FET/FET-Analyses

and add them to your MATLAB folder.


Use FETDataRead to read transfer and output curves saved by the Testing Rig or ESR setup. Since the two setups use different file formats, FETDataRead will search through the column headers to identify the file type (‘transfer’ or ‘output’) and possible linear and saturation sweep data. FETDataRead returns a MATLAB structure containing the stepped voltages (e.g., drain voltage steps in a transfer curve) as data.Vstep, the sweep type as data.type and the actual data as data.x, data.Is, data.Id and data.Ig.

Use TransferDataPlot and OutputDataPlot to plot the output of FETDataRead. If forward and reverse sweeps have been recorded, the direction of the hysteresis loop will be indicated by arrows.

Use MobilityVsVg and MobilityCalc to calculate gate-voltage dependent and independent mobilities, respectively. In addition to the FET data structure, an argument pars containing the FET parameters (channel length and width, dielectric constant, etc) must be provided. If any of the arguments is missing, the user will be asked to provide them.


  1. % load and plot transfer curve
  2. data = FETDataRead();
  3. TransferDataPlot(data);
  4. % set FET parameters
  5. epsilon = 2.05; % dielectric constant CYTOP
  6. epsilon_0 = 8.854187817*1e-12; % in F/m
  7. pars.W = 1e-3; % channel width in m
  8. pars.L = 20*1e-6; % channel length in m
  9. pars.d = 500*1e-9; % dielectric thickness in m
  10. pars.C = epsilon_0*epsilon/pars.d; % capacitance in F/m^2
  11. % calculate mobility
  12. [vg, mobSatVg, mobLinVg] = MobilityVsVg(data, pars);