A TailwindCSS Content Placeholder plugin
A plugin to create utility classes for Content Placeholders.
You can see a working demo App here:
This is a Tailwind CSS Plugin to create utility classes for Content Placeholder and make it easier to display the loading state of resources.
Based on a given configuration file it creates a dynamic background image in the pseudo-elements and adds an (optional) opacity animation.
With NPM:
npm install tailwind-content-placeholder
Or if using Yarn:
yarn add tailwind-content-placeholder
In your tailwind.config.js
file, include the plugin and initiate it with the proper configuration.
module.exports = {
plugins: [
placeholders: {
'paragraph': {
height: 4, // the height of the container in em
rows: [ // This class will have 4 rows:
[100], // A 100% width row
[100], // Another 100% width row
[40], // A 40% width row
[] // And an empty row, to create separation
After that, you’ll have a set of utilities classes you can use to show the placeholder:
<div :class="{ 'cp-paragraph': isLoading }">
{{ content }}
The classes will be prefixed by the given custom prefix or will use cp-
by default.
The configuration values that can be passed to the plugin are:
Option | Type | Default | Description |
prefix | String | cp | The prefix to use when generating the utility classes. |
borderRadius | Number | 4 | Border radius value for the corners of each rendered line. |
animationDuration | String | “1.4s” | Duration of the animation in a CSS format. |
animated | Boolean | true | Enable/Disable the background opacity animation. |
bgColor | String | “rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)” | Background color for each line in CSS format. |
height | Number, String | 1 | Height of the wrapper. If a number is given will be considered em. |
width | Number, String | “80%” | Width of the wrapper in CSS format. If a number is given, will be consider %. |
placeholders | Placeholder[], String | [] | Collection of objects with configuration and rows to render. A multiline string can also be given, in which a # character represents 10% width and spaces represent 10% separation. eg.: ## ## will produce 20% blocks with a 20% space separation and another 20% block, in just one single row. |
The placeholders
property is an object which keys must be the name of the CSS class to generate and the values a configuration object with the keys:
| Option | Type | Default | Description |
|— | — | — | —|
|height|Number|Config.height|The height for this specific content, in em
. If not specified, the global configuration height is used.|
|width|String|Config.width|The width for this specific content in CSS format. If not specified, the global configuration width is used.|
|rows|Multidimensional Array|[]|The rows and segments/lines to render. The segments of lines are Integers that represents the percentage of the width to use. For example, for a full width line, a [100]
value should be passed. For two segments of half the width, [50, 50]
should be given. This is a multi dimensional array, the first dimension are the rows while each row contains the segment.|
Alternatively the Placeholder can be a string created with #
characters, spaces and linebreaks.
This configuration would create two CSS classes called “.cp-line” and “.cp-list” but it is completely customizable:
width: '50%', // Only use the 50% of the container width
placeholders: {
// Create a single line content placeholder
'line': {
rows: [
[70] // One row only, with 70% width
// Create a "bullet list" like content placeholder
'list': {
height: 4, // As this is a sample list, we'll make it a 4 lines placeholder
rows: [
[20, 80], // A line with a 20% width segment to simulate the bullet and a 80% width line of content
[20, 60], // A line with a 20% width segment to simulate the bullet and a 60% width line of content
[20, 75], // A line with a 20% width segment to simulate the bullet and a 75% width line of content
[20, 70], // A line with a 20% width segment to simulate the bullet and a 70% width line of content