Prometheus Alertmanager to ZMQ proxy
This program receives HTTP messages from a prometheus alertmanager and
proxies those messages to a ZMQ socket.
./alertmanager-to-zmq --help
Usage of ./alertmanager-to-zmq:
-addr string
address to listen for webhook (default ":9098")
-endpoint string
default http endpoint for alertmanager (default "/alerts")
-publisher string
address fot the publish socket (default "tcp://*:5563")
-topic string
default zmq topic to publish hook messages (default "alerts")
Example prometheus alertmanager configuration:
receiver: webhook
group_wait: 0s
group_interval: 1s
repeat_interval: 1s
- name: "webhook"
- url: http://localhost:9098/alerts
Check the example_client directory for further examples.
Alternatively a Dockerfile and image are supplied
docker run -p 9180:9180