项目作者: deis

项目描述 :
Creates and Deletes GKE Clusters
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/deis/clusterator.git
创建时间: 2016-07-26T17:27:42Z

开源协议:MIT License



Docker image that can spin up or tear down clusters in GKE.

Creating a cluster

The create script will iterate the list of names supplied by the names file. It will first check to see if that name already exists in the project. If so we skip it and move on to the next name. Otherwise, we try and create a cluster with that name. Creation of the cluster is a blocking operation. After that takes place we will set the version of the cluster to the appropriate value (this operation is not blocking).

Deleting clusters

The delete script will iterate all names and if that name appears in the project it will attempt to remove it (this operation is not blocking).

Environment Variables

  • CLOUD_SDK_REPO: Version of the cloud sdk to install. (default:"cloud-sdk-xenial")
  • GCLOUD_CREDENTIALS_FILE: Name of the exported credentials file. (default:"clusterator.json")
  • GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID: The project where clusters will be created. (default:"deis-e2e-leasable")
  • NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS: Number of clusters to create. (default:1)
  • NUM_NODES: Number of nodes to create when spinning up a new cluster. (default:"5")
  • MACHINE_TYPE: The machine size that should be used. (default:"n1-standard-4")
  • ZONE: The zone where the clusters should be placed. (default:"us-central1-a")
  • VERSION: The version of kubernetes to use. (default: the latest GKE version)