Relay service for Threema Web push notifications.
This server accepts push requests via HTTP and relays those requests to the appropriate push backends.
Supported backends:
encodingRequest keys:
: apns
, fcm
, hms
or threema-gateway
: The device push token (not provided when using Threema Gateway)session
: SHA256 hash of public permanent key of the initiatorversion
: Threema Web protocol versionaffiliation
(optional): An identifier for affiliating consecutive pushesttl
(optional): The lifespan of a push message, defaults to 90 secondscollapse_key
: (optional) A parameter identifying a group of push messages that can bebundleid
(APNs only): The bundle id to useendpoint
(APNs only): Either p
(production) or s
(HMS only): Can be used to differentiate between multiple configsidentity
(Threema Gateway only): The Threema ID of the user.public_key
(Threema Gateway only): Public key associated to the Threema ID of the user.Examples:
curl -X POST -H "Origin: https://localhost" localhost:3000/push \
-d "type=apns&token=asdf&session=123deadbeef&version=3&"
curl -X POST -H "Origin: https://localhost" localhost:3000/push \
-d "type=fcm&token=asdf&session=123deadbeef&version=3"
curl -X POST -H "Origin: https://localhost" localhost:3000/push \
-d "type=hms&appid=123456&token=asdf&session=123deadbeef&version=3"
curl -X POST -H "Origin: https://localhost" localhost:3000/push \
-d "type=threema-gateway&session=123deadbeef&version=3&identity=ECHOECHO&public_key=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Possible response codes:
HTTP 204 (No Content)
: Request was processed successfullyHTTP 400 (Bad Request)
: Invalid or missing POST parameters (including expired push tokens)HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)
: Processing of push request failed on the Push Relay serverHTTP 502 (Bad Gateway)
: Processing of push request failed on the APNs, FCM, HMS or Threema Gateway serverThe payload format looks like this:
: Webclient session (sha256 hash of the public permanent key of thestring
: An optional identifier for affiliating consecutive pushes, string
or null
: Unix epoch timestamp of the request in seconds, i64
: Protocol version, u16
The APNs message contains a key “3mw” containing the payload data as specified
The FCM, HMS and Threema Gateway messages contain the payload data as specified above.
You need the Rust compiler. First, create a config.toml
file that looks like this:
service_account_key_base64 = "aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQo="
project_id = 12345654321
max_retries = 6
keyfile = "your-keyfile.p8"
key_id = "AB123456XY"
team_id = "CD987654YZ"
To support HMS as well, you need to add one or more named HMS config sections.
The name should correspond to the App ID (and currently matches the Client ID).
client_id = "your-client-id"
client_secret = "your-client-secret"
client_id = "your-client-id"
client_secret = "your-client-secret"
To support Threema Gateway, the following config sections need to be added.
Note: The apps only support messages sent from *3MAPUSH
base_url = ""
identity = "*3MAPUSH"
secret = "secret-for-*3MAPUSH"
private_key_file = "private-key-file-for-*3MAPUSH"
If you want to log the pushes to InfluxDB, add the following section:
connection_string = ""
user = "foo"
pass = "bar"
db = "baz"
Then simply run
export RUST_LOG=push_relay=debug,hyper=info,a2=info,tower=debug
cargo run
…to build and start the server in debug mode.
cargo build --release
env variableTo run tests:
cargo test
To run lints:
$ rustup component add clippy
$ cargo clean && cargo clippy --all-targets
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