项目作者: mtrute

项目描述 :
gforth snap
项目地址: git://github.com/mtrute/gforth-snap.git
创建时间: 2019-04-27T16:12:46Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Gforth as a Snap package.

From snapstore

  1. $ snap search gforth
  2. Name Version Publisher Notes Summary
  3. gforth-mtrute 0.7.9-20190501 mtrute - gforth snap
  4. $ snap info gforth-mtrute
  5. name: gforth-mtrute
  6. summary: gforth snap
  7. publisher: mt (mtrute)
  8. license: GPL-3.0+
  9. description: |
  10. This is gforth snap
  11. commands:
  12. - gforth-mtrute.gforth
  13. snap-id: cXf2H05AAoRzw6TOwmRucmuqHqkPJ0YQ
  14. tracking: edge
  15. refresh-date: today at 11:30 CEST
  16. channels:
  17. stable: --
  18. candidate: --
  19. beta: --
  20. edge: 0.7.9-20190501 2019-05-04 (3) 3MB -

Run gforth

Install the snap with sudo

  1. $ sudo snap install --edge gforth-mtrute
  2. gforth-mtrute (edge) 0.7.9-20190501 from mt (mtrute) installed
  3. $ snap list
  4. Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
  5. core 16-2.38.1 6818 stable canonical* core
  6. core18 20190409 941 stable canonical* base
  7. gforth-mtrute 0.7.9-20190501 3 edge mtrute -

Tested with Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic).

  1. $ /snap/bin/gforth-mtrute.gforth
  2. Gforth 0.7.9_20190501, Copyright (C) 1995-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3. Gforth comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `license'
  4. Type `help' for basic help
  5. version-string ok 2
  6. type 0.7.9_20190501 ok
  7. bye
  8. $

This snap has the right to access the network and the files within HOME.


you’ll have to be me for that ;). If you want to build you own version,
make sure to replace the string mtrute with your name.

  1. $ snapcraft status gforth-mtrute
  2. Track Arch Channel Version Revision
  3. latest amd64 stable - -
  4. candidate - -
  5. beta - -
  6. edge 0.7.9-20190501 3

I run snapcraft in the project directory while being logged in.

  1. $ snap whoami
  2. E-Mail: m_trute@yahoo.de
  3. $ snapcraft
  4. Using 'snapcraft.yaml': Project assets will be searched for from the 'snap' directory.
  5. Launching a VM.
  6. Launched: snapcraft-gforth-mtrute
  7. 2019-05-02T15:46:56Z INFO Waiting for restart...
  8. core 16-2.38.1 from Canonical installed
  9. snapcraft 3.4 from Canonical installed
  10. core18 20190409 from Canonical installed
  11. ...
  12. ============= INSTALL SUCCEEDED =============
  13. Bash users: type 'hash -r' to empty the cache
  14. Staging gforth
  15. Priming gforth
  16. Snapping 'gforth-mtrute' \
  17. Snapped gforth-mtrute_0.7.9-20190501_amd64.snap
  18. $ snapcraft push --release=edge gforth-mtrute_0.7.9-20190501_amd64.snap
  19. Preparing to push 'gforth-mtrute_0.7.9-20190501_amd64.snap'.
  20. After pushing, an attempt will be made to release to 'edge'
  21. Pushing 'gforth-mtrute_0.7.9-20190501_amd64.snap' [=======================] 100%
  22. Processing...|
  23. Ready to release!
  24. Revision 1 of 'gforth-mtrute' created.
  25. Track Arch Channel Version Revision
  26. latest amd64 stable - -
  27. candidate - -
  28. beta - -
  29. edge 0.7.9-20190501 1
  30. The 'edge' channel is now open.
  31. $

The revision number increases with every snapcraft upload, so expect higer