Multipart/form-data parser
Parse a Buffer containing a multipart/data-form
Grab the boundary
from the content-type in the POST request and create and instance of Mortyparse.
Then, with the base64 string from the body-json
, use the Mortyparse instance to parse the form-data into a readable format.
const Morty = require('mortyparse');
const b64_str = '<base64 string>'; //containing the multipart/form-data as received in the server
morty = new Morty(Buffer("------WebKitFormBoundaryaVKetDdeBHAjicUm"));
let parsed = morty.parse(Buffer(b64_str, 'base64'));
console.log(parsed); // =>
// [
// {
// "content_type": "application/pdf",
// "data": Buffer <37 80 68 . . . 33 13 10>,
// "filename": "testpdf.pdf",
// "name": "cv"
// },
// { "name": "name", "data": "Test Name"},
// { "name": "email", "data": ""},
// { "name": "telephone", "data": "0101010101"},
// { "name": "vacant", "data": "Back-End"}
// { "name": "reference", "data": "internet"},
// { "name": "portfolio", "data": "No aplica"}
// ]
The parser returns an array containing an object per input in the form.
All inputs in the parsed data will have:
: with a String representing the name of the input fielddata
: with a String|Buffer representing the content of the inputBuffer
in the case of file inputsString
in the case of other inputsFile type inputs will also have:
: with a String representing the file format typefilename
: with a String containing the file name