项目作者: applogistdev
项目描述 :
Bus Seat View Selection
高级语言: Swift
项目地址: git://github.com/applogistdev/ALBusSeatView.git
ALBusSeatView 💺
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.

Start |
Select |
Gender Selection |
Voilà! |
ALBusSeatView is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ALBusSeatView'
// If you want to config more
// let config = ALBusSeatViewConfig()
// ALBusSeatView(withConfig: config)
let seatView = ALBusSeatView()
seatView.delegate = self
seatView.dataSource = self
func seatView(_ seatView: ALBusSeatView, numberOfSeatInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return 43 // Total seat count
func seatView(_ seatView: ALBusSeatView, seatNumberForIndex indexPath: IndexPath) -> String {
return "10" // Seat Number
func seatView(_ seatView: ALBusSeatView,
seatTypeForIndex indexPath: IndexPath) -> ALBusSeatType {
return .empty
// Seat Types
public enum ALBusSeatType: Int {
/// Free to pick
case empty
/// Already sold by woman or man
case sold
/// Being selected
case selected
/// Already sold by woman
case soldWoman
/// Already sold by man
case soldMan
/// Not a seat. Can not be able to select
case none
Config (ALBusSeatViewConfig)
Param |
Desc |
Default |
Type |
leftHandDrivePosition |
Left drive position status |
True |
Bool |
marginBetweenSeats |
Margin between seats |
5.0 |
CGFloat |
Param |
Desc |
Default |
Type |
seatEmptyBGColor |
Empty seat color |
.white |
UIColor |
seatSoldBGColor |
Seat color purchased by woman or man. (Common seat) |
.gray |
UIColor |
seatSelectedBGColor |
Selected seat color |
.green |
UIColor |
seatSoldWomanBGColor |
Seat color purchased by woman |
.red |
UIColor |
seatSoldManBGColor |
Seat color purchased by man |
.blue |
UIColor |
seatCornerRadius |
Seat corner radius |
8.0 |
CGFloat |
seatBorderColor |
Seat border color |
.clear |
UIColor |
seatBorderWidth |
Seat border width |
0 |
CGFloat |
seatShadowColor |
Seat shadow color |
.lightGray |
UIColor |
seatShadowRadius |
Seat shadow radius |
5.0 |
CGFloat |
seatShadowSize |
Seat shadow size |
1,1 |
CGSize |
seatShadowOpacity |
Seat shadow opacity |
0.7 |
Float |
seatRemoveImage |
The remove button image for selected seat |
nil |
UIImage? |
seatNumberFont |
Seat number label font |
.system(15) |
UIFont |
seatNumberSelectedFont |
Selected seat number label font |
.systemBold(15) |
UIFont |
seatNumberColor |
Seat number label color |
.black |
UIColor |
seatNumberSelectedColor |
Selected seat number label color |
.white |
UIColor |
Param |
Desc |
Default |
Type |
centerHallHeight |
Bus hall height |
20 |
CGFloat |
centerHallInfoText |
Hall information label text |
“” |
String |
centerHallInfoTextColor |
Hall information label text color |
.black |
UIColor |
centerHallInfoTextFont |
Hall information label text font |
.system(12) |
UIFont |
Bus Front Section
Param |
Desc |
Default |
Type |
busFrontImage |
Bus front image |
nil |
UIImage? |
busFrontImageWidth |
Bus front image width |
50 |
CGFloat |
Bus Floor Section
Param |
Desc |
Default |
Type |
floorSeperatorWidth |
Floor section width |
50 |
CGFloat |
floorSeperatorImage |
Floor section image |
nil |
UIImage? |
Param |
Desc |
Default |
Type |
tooltipText |
Gender selection tooltip title |
“Select Gender” |
String |
sonifex, sonerguler93@gmail.com
ALBusSeatView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.