Convert Joi Schemas to TypeScript interfaces
Convert Joi Schemas to TypeScript interfaces
This will allow you to use generate TypeScript interfaces from Joi Schemas giving you confidence the schema and interface match. You no longer have to manually create the same structure again, saving you time and reducing errors.
Works with any TypeScript project and also perfectly with Hapi API requests/responses.
For generating Open Api/Swagger this project works with
The use of .meta({className:'')
is preferred over .label('')
, because Joi.label()
is intended to be used for meaningful error message, using it for another purpose makes Joi lose a standard feature, this is especially noticeable for frontend usages of Joi. The choice of the property className
is because this property is used by joi-to-swagger making this project work with other projects.
This package is intended as a development time tool, so it should be installed in the devDependencies
yarn add joi-to-typescript --dev
# or
npm install joi-to-typescript --save-dev
You will also need to install joi
in the dependencies
yarn add joi
# or
npm install joi
"joi": "^17"
and will not work for older versionssrc/schemas
Explore the Example Projects for recommended setup, execute yarn types
to run each one.
This example can be found in src/__tests__/readme
import Joi from 'joi';
// Input
export const JobSchema = Joi.object({
businessName: Joi.string().required(),
jobTitle: Joi.string().required()
}).meta({ className: 'Job' });
export const WalletSchema = Joi.object({
usd: Joi.number().required(),
eur: Joi.number().required()
.meta({ className: 'Wallet', unknownType: 'number' });
export const PersonSchema = Joi.object({
firstName: Joi.string().required(),
lastName: Joi.string().required().description('Last Name'),
job: JobSchema,
wallet: WalletSchema
}).meta({ className: 'Person' });
export const PeopleSchema = Joi.array()
.meta({ className: 'People' })
.description('A list of People');
// Output
* This file was automatically generated by joi-to-typescript
* Do not modify this file manually
export interface Job {
businessName: string;
jobTitle: string;
* A list of People
export type People = Person[];
export interface Person {
firstName: string;
job?: Job;
* Last Name
lastName: string;
wallet?: Wallet;
export interface Wallet {
* Number Property
[x: string]: number;
eur: number;
usd: number;
export const PersonSchema
schema must be exportedexport const PersonSchema
includes a suffix of Schema so the schema and interface are not confused when using import
statements (recommended not required).meta({ className: 'Person' });
Sets interface
name using TypeScript conventions (TitleCase Interface name, camelCase property name).meta({ unknownType: 'number' });
assert unknown type to number
as the way to define the interface
name, to use this option set { useLabelAsInterfaceName: true }
import { convertFromDirectory } from 'joi-to-typescript';
schemaDirectory: './src/schemas',
typeOutputDirectory: './src/interfaces',
debug: true
// or to get an interface as a string. Please note that this method is limited
import { convertSchema } from 'joi-to-typescript';
const resultingInterface = convertSchema({}, JobSchema);
resultingInterface?.content = // the interface as a string
export interface Settings {
* The input/schema directory
* Directory must exist
schemaDirectory: string;
* The output/type directory
* Will also attempt to create this directory
typeOutputDirectory: string;
* Use .label('InterfaceName') instead of .meta({className:'InterfaceName'}) for interface names
useLabelAsInterfaceName: boolean;
* If defined, when a schema name ends with "schema", replaces the ending in the generated type by default
* with this string.
* E.g. when this setting is "Interface", a `TestSchema` object generates a `TestInterface` type
defaultInterfaceSuffix?: string;
* Should interface properties be defaulted to optional or required
* @default false
defaultToRequired: boolean;
* What schema file name suffix will be removed when creating the interface file name
* @default "Schema"
* This ensures that an interface and Schema with the file name are not confused
schemaFileSuffix: string;
* If provided, appends this suffix to the generated interface filenames
* @default ""
interfaceFileSuffix: string;
* If `true` the console will include more information
* @default false
debug: boolean;
* File Header content for generated files
fileHeader: string;
* If true will sort properties on interface by name
* @default true
sortPropertiesByName: boolean;
* If true will not output to subDirectories in output/interface directory. It will flatten the structure.
flattenTree: boolean;
* If true will only read the files in the root directory of the input/schema directory. Will not parse through sub-directories.
rootDirectoryOnly: boolean;
* If true will write all exports *'s to root index.ts in output/interface directory.
indexAllToRoot: boolean;
* Comment every interface and property even with just a duplicate of the interface and property name
* @default false
commentEverything: boolean;
* List of files or folders that should be ignored from conversion. These can either be
* filenames (AddressSchema.ts) or filepaths postfixed with a / (addressSchemas/)
* @default []
ignoreFiles: string[];
* The indentation characters
* @default ' ' (two spaces)
indentationChacters: string;
* If set to true, will use double quotes for strings
* @default false
doublequoteEscape: boolean;
* If a field has a default and is optional, consider it as required
* @default false
treatDefaultedOptionalAsRequired: boolean;
* If a field has a default, modify the resulting field to equal
* `field: <default> | type` rather than `field: type`
* @default false
supplyDefaultsInType: boolean;
* If a field has a default value, add its stringified representation
* to the JsDoc using the @default annotation
* @default false
supplyDefaultsInJsDoc: boolean;
* Filter files you wish to parse
* The class `InputFileFilter` contains some default options
* @default *.ts files
inputFileFilter: RegExp;
* If true, skips the creation of index.ts files in the generated interface directories
* @default false
omitIndexFiles: boolean
* If provided, prepends the content returned by the function to the
* generated interface/type code (including and JSDoc).
tsContentHeader?: (type: ConvertedType) => string;
* If provided, appends the content returned by the function to the
* generated interface/type code.
tsContentFooter?: (type: ConvertedType) => string;
* If defined, place every member of a union on a new line
unionNewLine?: boolean;
* If defined, place every member of a tuple on a new line
tupleNewLine?: boolean;
- interface Name and in jsDoc.description('What this interface is for')
- jsdoc.optional()
- optional properties ?
- required properties.valid(['red', 'green', 'blue'])
- enumerations - allow
can be used for enumerations but valid
works better see _tests_/allow/allow.ts
for more information.allow('')
- will be ignored on a string.allow(null)
- will add as an optional type eg string | null
, .object()
, .string()
, .number()
, .boolean()
- standard Joi schemas.alternatives()
- try is supported, conditionals would be converted to any
- will add a property [x: string]: unknown;
to the interfaceunknown
to some type with a stringified type or a Joi schema, e.g.:
.meta({ unknownType: 'some-type' })
.meta({ unknownType: Joi.object({ id: Joi.string() }) })`
- jsdoc.cast()
- currently will honor casting to string and number types, map and set to be added later.forbidden()
will set the type to undefined
.meta({ readonly: true })
to create readonly properties like readonly property: string;
Recommended Editor is VS Code, this project is setup with VSCode settings in the ./.vscode
directory to keep development consistent.
Best developed on macOS, Linux, or on Windows via WSL.
Install nodejs via nvm so you can have multiple versions installed
nvm use # using NVM to select node version
yarn install # using yarn
yarn test # run local tests
yarn coverage # test coverage report
yarn lint # lint the code
See GitHub Releases