EmailService is a microservice that handles sending an email to a customer using the selected API email service. A secondary API email service can be defined to handle failover.
Work in progress. Refactoring this from a previous code sample. I broke it adding rabbitmq.
EmailService is a microservice that handles sending email via an email provider. A list of SERVICES and their API keys should be passed in. If more than one provider is passed in they will act as failovers in the order they were passed in.
The failover is handled by a circuit breaker.
This service is meant to be run internally and consumed by other internal services so no API key is required.
Installing locally
npm install
Before starting the app, view the env.example file for the required env vars that need to be setup, and create an .env file.
cp env.example .env
Edit the .env file and set the SERVICES and the required options for the service listed. Then start up the app.
npm start
Once started the service should be listening on the specified PORT and the SERVICES should be registered.
The .env file should be configured with a list of the email api SERVICES to use for sending an email. If more than one SERVICES is listed then they will be tried in order if one of them fails.
To add a service
git clone
cd emailer/
npm i
Add new services to the modules/services folder by implementing the Emailer interface. An api service must implement the following methods:
Configure the service in the constructor with any api keys and other options required for the service. These should be passed in the .env file and config.js should be edited to validate the vars. See the Mailgun and Mailjet services in the services folder for examples of how to add a new service.
Make sure to add a test to the test folder for the service you added.
npm test
will run the file. Edit this file to add any env vars to be used for the tests.
To run a specific test:
npm test MailGun
will run just the MailGun test
When running the app the required env vars must be passed via the runtime’s environment (Docker, AWS, etc)
To build the docker image (set the appropriate names for app:version)
docker build -t app:version .
Will build the docker image app:version, with NODE_ENV var set to production.
Run an instance of the app using a .env mounted from the current directory:
docker run --rm --name emailservice -p 80:80 --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)/.env",dst=/usr/src/app/.env app:version
The required and optional variables the app uses. These should be placed in a .env file. When the app is loaded the file is read to validate and populate process.env with the variables. Note: As these are environment variables these can also be passed via the shell’s/runtime’s environment. Passing via .env file is preferred.
Type: String
Default: ''
The hostname. Defaults to so it can bind to a docker container.
Type: Number
Default: 80
The port to listen on.
Type: string
Default: none
Comma delimited list of email api services to use.
Type: string
Default: none
Required if ‘mailgun’ is listed in SERVICES
The api key for mailgun
Type: string
Default: none
Required if ‘mailgun’ is listed in SERVICES
Your api domain for mailgun
Type: string
Default: none
Required if ‘mailjet’ is listed in SERVICES
The api key for mailjet
Type: number
Default: 2
How long before timing out a service call, in seconds
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.