项目作者: RaviTejaKomma

项目描述 :
Word game "Hangman" android application
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/RaviTejaKomma/HangMan.git
创建时间: 2017-08-04T13:28:32Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



Hangman is a popular word game in which one player (the “chooser”) chooses a secret word and another player (the “guesser”) attempts to guess the word one letter at a time. If a guessed letter appears in the word, all instances of it are revealed. If not, the guesser loses a chance. If the guesser figures out the secret word before he or she runs out of chances, he or she wins. If not, the player who chose the word wins. Traditionally, chances are tracked using a stick figure drawing of a person being hanged from a gallows. The figure is drawn one body part at a time, and the guesser loses when the entire figure has been drawn. This game is also the basis for the TV game show Wheel of Fortune.


In our implementation of Hangman, the computer will take on the role of the “chooser” and the human player will be the “guesser.” The computer will secretly choose a word from a list and show the player how many letters are in the word by displaying a sequence of blanks (asterisk). Then, the computer will begin asking for guesses. If the player guesses a letter that is in the secret word, all blanks representing an instance of that letter should be replaced by the letter. If the guessed letter is not in the word at all, the player should lose a chance and a new part of the Hangman figure should appear. If the player guesses a letter he or she has already guessed, he or she should not lose a chance, even if that letter is not in the word. If the player guesses all letters in the word, he or she wins. If the Hangman figure is completed, the player loses. In either case, the secret word should be revealed after the game is over.