HAML view generator for Angel.
HAML view generator for Angel.
is actually a source code generator,
and should be a development dependency only.
In your pubspec.yaml
angel_haml: ^1.0.0
build_runner: ^0.3.0
To use this codegen, you must include some sort of YAML (or JSON) specification file.
By convention, use views/angel_haml.yaml
Only include the options you need; the others will be automatically filled with the defaults.
name: hamlViews # Name of generated function
partials: . # Directory to resolve partials from
views: * # List of filenames (no extension) to be compiled, or '*'
Custom example:
partials: ./some/folder/partials
- foo
- bar/baz
Example use with package:build_runner
import 'package:angel_haml/angel_haml.dart';
import 'package:builder_runner/build_runner.dart';
final PhaseGroup PHASES = new PhaseGroup.singleAction(const AngelHamlBuilder(),
new InputSet('example', const ['views/angel_haml.yaml']));
The generated source file will contain an Angel plug-in that automatically wires
your views for you.
import 'package:angel_common/angel_common.dart';
import 'views/angel_haml.g.dart'; // Generated sources
main() async {
var app = new Angel();
await app.configure(hamlViews()); // Hook up views
// ...
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.render('index')); // Render pre-compiled index.haml
app.get('/invoice/:id', (String id, ResponseContext res) async {
var invoice = await app.service('api/invoices').read(id);
await res.render('invoice_detail', {'invoice': invoice});
// Render pre-compiled invoice_detail.haml