Check your password securely without transmitting your password through internet.
Check your password securely without transmitting your password through internet.
You would need the internet to connect to API and obtain the response.
This project makes you to securely check if your password has been pwned or hacked.
It uses Troy Hunt’s Have I Been Pwned API to get the passwords that have been leaked in the past using only the first five characters of the SHA1 generated password.
Well the Troy Hunt’s website uses the same technique as this project does i.e, Hash K-anonimity. Although if you are using the website to check Your password. I find it still not
secure because your password is still transmitting through the Internet.
This project is just a single python file that helps us run locally. It uses the API of Have I Been Pwned website. Your computer needs to be connected to the Internet.
But your password will not be transmitted through the Internet
-You should know how to use Power Shell(Windows) or Terminal(Mac). I assume if you are using linux then you know how to use a terminal 😊.
You should copy the Password file into your local computer. This file contains three main functions.
Uncomment any one of the function call(you can find those below at the bottom of the file) that you want to run and check if your password has been pwned or not securely
I have tested this file on windows and Linux(Ubuntu 20.04) machine. If you are using a different OS and not getting the intended result please open an issue so that I can modify this code. Or you are welcome to fork this repo and do the modification yourself.
You might face this problem if you are using main_file(filename) function because I
did not write it using Pathlib module. So if any problem arises please feel free to
open an issue if possible.
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