Discord bot for different fun things.
Discord bot for different fun things.
---- Requirements ----
curl - `apt install curl`
sed - `apt install sed`
tor - `apt install tor`
WhatWeb - https://github.com/urbanadventurer/WhatWeb
userrecon-py - https://github.com/decoxviii/userrecon-py
jq - https://github.com/stedolan/jq
ffmpeg - https://ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-linux
proxychains4 - https://github.com/rofl0r/proxychains-ng
BreachCompilation can be found on the internet in a couple places. Look for a torrent! Be sure to change the path in the code for query.sh!
changelog - View latest changelog.
analyze - Check what a page is running.
callid - Check caller ID of US phone number. (2 requests per minute, so try again later if errors.)
checkemail - Check email in data breaches. (Best used with "search" command, chances.)
crack - Attempts to crack a password hash.
dbsearch - Accesses leaked data to grab info from users. (Whitelist based due to abuse.)
honeycheck - Checks if IP belongs to a honeypot. (experimental)
ip2cidr - Get CIDR from IP address.
joke - Tell a dad joke.
namecheck - Find accounts belonging to a username.
search - Get first 20 results from Breach Compilation. (Perms needed)
spyon - Take a screencap of a stolen or open camera. (Perms needed)
subdomains - Get subdomains from online sources.
target - Send a target for ANK to attack. Accepts an IP, email, or url.
ttcheck - Check onion URL title.