项目作者: mdfarhaan

项目描述 :
Open Source Instagram hashtag liking bot in Python without the Instagram Api
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/mdfarhaan/instagram-bot.git
创建时间: 2021-03-28T10:33:53Z

开源协议:MIT License


Instagram Hashtag Liking Bot

Open Source Instagram hashtag liking bot in Python without the Instagram Api using Selenium


Enter your login deatils:

  1. username = ("")
  2. password = ("")

Hashtags to like:

  1. hashtags = ["Tech", "Python", "Android", "Github"]

Number of posts to like:

  1. no_of_post_to_like = 3

Minutes to Sleep:

  1. min_to_sleep = 0.5
  2. #sleeps for 30sec

To Run with Headless:

In order to run the browser in the background that is in Headless mode change the value to True
By default it runs without Headless

  1. toRunwith = False

Chromedriver Path:

The most important step is entering the correct path to Chrome Webdriver

  1. path = ("C:\\chromedriver\\chromedriver.exe")


  • Python
  • Selenium Webdriver
  • Chromedriver
  • Datetime Module

NOTE: This Bot requires Selenium and Chromedriver
to be installed in order to run.

How to Run:

  1. You have to Install Selenium and Chromedriver.
  2. To Install Selenium run command pip3 install selenium or pip install selenium
  3. Install the Chromedriver from https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads according to your Chrome version.
  4. You should also install Datetime module, to install run command pip3 install DateTime or pip install DateTime

Your all up and ready to roll!!

NOTE: Use the Bot in your own risk.
Stay within limits of action you can do with Instagram.

- MdFarhaan