项目作者: Bravea
项目描述 :
项目地址: git://github.com/Bravea/Armstrong.git
“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.”
– Nils Bohr
- Trend Following Algorithms for Technical Trading in Stock Market
- Forecasting for the Generation of Trading Signals in Financial Markets KIN LAM1 AND KING CHUNG LAM, 2000.
- A neural network with a case based dynamic window for stock trading prediction P. C. Chang et al., 2009.
- Short-Term Forecasting of Financial Time Series with Deep Neural Networks
- Using Artificial Neural Networks and Sentiment Analysis to Predict Upward Movements in Stock Price
- A hybrid stock trading framework integrating technical analysis with machine learning techniques Dash R. and Dash P.K., 2016.
- A dynamic threshold decision system for stock trading signal detection P.C. Chang, T.W. Liao, J.J. Lin, C.Y. Fan, 2011.
- Predicting Stock Market Index Trading Signals Using Neural Networks C. D. Tilakaratne, S. A. Morris, M. A. Mammadov, C. P. Hurst, 2007.
- Trading Signal Prediction
Cha S-M. & Chan L., 2000. - Predicting the Direction of Stock Market Index Movement Using an Optimized Artificial Neural Network Model Qiu M. & Song Y., 2016.
- Predictable Patterns in Stock Returns Hellström T. & Holmström K., 1998.
- A Random Walk through the Stock Market Hellström T., 1998.
Forecasting the Stock Market - A Neural Network Approach Nadersson M. & Palm J., 2009.
Classification-based Financial Markets Prediction using Deep Neural Networks Dixon M., Klabjan D. and Bang J. H., 2016. Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzz2-wAEK7A
Stock Market Index Data and indicators for Day Trading as a Binary Classification problem Bruni R., 2017. A lot of technical indicators and a useful S&P500 dataset.
- Machine-learning classification techniques for the analysis and prediction of high-frequency stock direction
- [Forecasting the direction of stock market index movement using three data mining techniques: the case of Tehran Stock Exchange] (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2fe9/cd2e7e9a4c859d2ffbf39e1a2c54cb874f3c.pdf)
- Predicting Stocks with Machine Learning
- Artificial neural networks for financial time series prediction and portfolio optimization
- Predictions in Financial Time Series Data
- Improving Long Term Stock Market Prediction with Text Analysis
- Modeling Long- and Short-Term Temporal Patterns with Deep Neural Networks
- On stock return prediction with LSTM networks
- Artificial Intelligence in Finance: Forecasting stock market returs using neural networks
- Predicting stock and stock price index movement using Trend Deterministic Data Preparation and machine learning techniques, 2015
- A hybrid stock trading framework integrating technical analysis with machine learning techniques
- Equity Price Direction Prediction For Day Trading
- Forecasting the Equity Risk Premium: The Role of Technical Indicators Neely, Christopher J.; Rapach, David E.; TU, Jun; and Zhou, Guofu. (2014). Management Science. 60, (7), 1772-1791. Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of Business.
- A Study on Technical Indicators in Stock Price Movement Prediction Using Decision Tree Algorithms/Z05120207212.pdf)
- Machine Learning for Technical Stock Analysis
- Equity Price Direction Prediction For Day Trading Van den Poel, D., Chesterman, C., Koppen M., Ballings, M.
- Using Artificial Neural Networks and Sentiment Analysis to Predict Upward Movements in Stock Price
- Python For Finance: Algorithmic Trading Web page
- Stock Prediction – A Neural Network Approach Karl Nygren 20041.
- Stock Market Prediction Performance of Neural Networks: A Literature Review Özgür İcan & Taha Buğra Çelik 2017
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