项目作者: hjptriplebee

项目描述 :
A tool for labeling bounding boxes
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/hjptriplebee/LabelBoundingBox.git
创建时间: 2017-06-12T06:45:42Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v2.0



A tool for labeling bounding boxes of training images. It is based on BBox-Label-Tool and supports multi-class labeling. Here is a demo:



  • Python (2 and 3 is all ok, 2 need a little change)
  • OpenCV (It isn’t necessary, if you only use labeling function. OpenCV is only for getFrameFromVideo.py)
  • tkinter
  • PIL


for basic bbox-label-tool:

  • Put image in the folder which is under “Images”
  • Start label-tool with “python3 main.py”
  • Input “Image Dir” which is the name of your folder under “Images”
  • click “load” and you can label images now!
  • To create a new bounding box, left-click to select the first vertex. Moving the mouse to draw a rectangle, and left-click again to select the second vertex.
  • To cancel the bounding box while drawing, just press “
  • To delete a existing bounding box, select it from the listbox, and click ‘Delete’.
  • To delete all existing bounding boxes in the image, simply click ‘ClearAll’.
  • After finishing one image, click ‘Next’ to advance. Likewise, click ‘Prev’ to reverse. You can press ““ and ““ Or input the index and click ‘Go’ to navigate to an arbitrary image instead. The labeling result will be saved if and only if the ‘Next’ button is clicked.
  • label files are stored in “Labels” folder

for multi-class labeling:

  • Write down your classes in “class.txt”
  • Start label-tool and select class at the top-right corner. remember to click “ConfirmClass”
  • After clicking “ConfirmClass”, you can label different classes with different colors.

for get Frame from Video:

It isn’t user-friendly. If you want to use it, I recommend you to read source code carefully!