Simple Bangla Intl Support
Tiny Simple React Redux Bangla Locale Support.
Most of the times I just need to support only two languages (English and Bangla). For this its seems unnecessary to implement
react-intl like packages. As this package is not using Browser Intl API, thus you don’t have to worry about Browser support.
It will work as it just simple javascript.
npm install react-redux-bangla-intl --save-dev
### add BanglaIntl Reducer to your store
..... your other imports....
import {reducer as BanglaIntlReducer} from 'react-redux-bangla-intl';
#import {reducerImmutable as BanglaIntlReducer} from 'react-redux-bangla-intl'; // reducer for immutablejs store.
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
#import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable'; // when immutablejs used.
const store = combineReducers({
..other reducers..
locale : BanglaIntlReducer,
export default store;
You need to dispatch actions to reducer to change currentLanguage
. It can be done by direct dispatching action
or from inside redux connected component (mapDispatchToProps).
import {toggleLanguage} from 'react-redux-bangla-intl';
props {
import {IntlText} from 'react-redux-bangla-intl';
<IntlText en="Bangladesh" bn="বাংলাদেশ"></IntlText>
props {
import {IntlNumber} from 'react-redux-bangla-intl';
<IntlNumber value="1234" ></IntlNumber>
props {
value: '', // string or number
enSymbol: 'BDT', // any string
bnSymbol: 'টাকা', // any string
enSymbolPosition: 'left', //right
bnSymbolPosition: 'left' // right
import {IntlCurrency} from 'react-redux-bangla-intl';
<IntlCurrency value="5050" ></IntlCurrency>
npm run test
Any suggestion is welcome.