Real-time image processing and image CDN
w and h keep aspect ratio, you can just define w or h
trim: optional. default: false. trims edges that are the background color.
trimFuzz: optional. [0-1) float, default 0. trimmed color distance to edge color, 0 is exact.
density optional. Integer dpi value to convert
resizeStyle: optional. default: 'aspectfill'. can be 'aspectfit', 'fill'
aspectfill: keep aspect ratio, get the exact provided size.
aspectfit: keep aspect ratio, get maximum image that fits inside provided size
fill: forget aspect ratio, get the exact provided size
gravity: optional. default: 'Center'. used to position the crop area when resizeStyle is 'aspectfill'
can be 'NorthWest', 'North', 'NorthEast', 'West',
'Center', 'East', 'SouthWest', 'South', 'SouthEast', 'None'
format: optional. output format, ex: 'JPEG'. see below for candidates
filter: optional. resize filter. ex: 'Lagrange', 'Lanczos'. see below for candidates
blur: optional. ex: 0.8
strip: optional. default: false. strips comments out from image.
rotate: optional. degrees.
flip: optional. vertical flip, true or false.
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