项目作者: AParise1217

项目描述 :
JAVA implementation of the linked list data structure.
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/AParise1217/LinkedList.git
创建时间: 2017-03-12T18:56:09Z




A sequence of nodes containing some data, and a pointer/link to the next in the sequence.

Project Setup

From the project root, execute: ./mvn clean install

Releasing to Maven Central

Performing a Release Deployment

Note: This must occur prior to the Release Deployment!

Make sure the “release-sign-artifacts” and “ossrh”
Maven profiles are active.

1) mvn clean
2) mvn release:prepare -Possrh,release-sign-artifacts
3) mvn release:perform -Possrh,release-sign-artifacts

  • await the release process to finish *

4) git push --tags
5) git push origin master

Updating the Release Version

1) mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.2.3