项目作者: tiberiuichim

项目描述 :
Download imgur albums, optionally discovering more albums in image descriptions
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/tiberiuichim/imgur-album-recursive-downloader.git


Download imgur albums, optionally discovering more albums in image descriptions

How to use

  1. Use pip to install ImgurDownloader (pip install ImgurDownloader)
  2. Run imgur http://imgur.com/a/Something path/to/some/folder
  3. If you want to recursively download albums (it discovers new albums in the description of images), run: imgur --recursive http://imgur.com/a/Something path/to/some/folder

How to use (in development mode)

  1. Install virtualenv
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Activate in virtualenv (pip install -e path/to/clone)
  4. <virtualenv>/bin/imgur --recursive -v http://imgur.com/a/Z0lda path/to/some/folder

Why another downloader?

The existing album downloader had a few problems:

  • It didn’t grab the highest resolution of images.
  • It didn’t save titles or descriptions of images
  • It didn’t try to find other albums in the description of images


This app uses the Imgur.com developers API, so you’ll need an imgur.com account to create a new application and generate a new clientid for your app. After that, you’ll have to write the clientid in the configuration file, which is automatically generated for you when you first run the app, at ~/.config/imgurdownloader/settings.conf