Implement Imitation Learning to solve several OpenAI envs.
This repository is basically follow the Berkeley CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning. first assignment.
Dependencies: TensorFlow, MuJoCo version 1.31, OpenAI Gym
Note: MuJoCo versions until 1.5 do not support NVMe disks therefore won’t be compatible with recent Mac machines.
There is a request for OpenAI to support it that can be followed here.
In experts/
, the provided expert policies are:
The name of the pickle file corresponds to the name of the gym environment.
sudo chmod +x getid_linux
conda create -n bc python=3.5 numpy scipy matplotlib theano keras ipython jupyter scikit-learn
source activate bc
pip install gym==0.7.4
file to see how to define bc model and train it on expert data.
Example usage:
python Humanoid-v1 --render --train_steps 20000 --num_rollouts 20
file to see how to evaluate trained model.
Example usage:
python Humanoid-v1 --render --num_rollouts 20