Stream processors for the wai.annotations conversion library.
Image augmentation stream processors for the wai.annotations
conversion library.
The manual is available here:
Crops images.
Crops images.
Domain(s): Image Object-Detection Domain, Image Classification Domain
usage: crop [-m IMGAUG_MODE] [--suffix IMGAUG_SUFFIX] [-f PERCENT_FROM] [-t PERCENT_TO] [-s SEED] [-a] [-T THRESHOLD] [-u]
optional arguments:
the image augmentation mode to use, available modes: replace, add
the suffix to use for the file names in case of augmentation mode add
-f PERCENT_FROM, --from-percent PERCENT_FROM
the minimum percent to crop from images
-t PERCENT_TO, --to-percent PERCENT_TO
the maximum percent to crop from images
-s SEED, --seed SEED
the seed value to use for the random number generator; randomly seeded if not provided
-a, --seed-augmentation
whether to seed the augmentation; if specified, uses the seeded random generator to produce a seed value from 0 to 1000 for the augmentation.
the threshold to use for Random.rand(): if equal or above, augmentation gets applied; range: 0-1; default: 0 (= always)
-u, --update-size
whether to update the image size after the crop operation or scale back to original size
Flips images either left-to-right, up-to-down or both.
Flips images either left-to-right, up-to-down or both.
Domain(s): Image Object-Detection Domain, Image Classification Domain
usage: flip [-d DIRECTION] [-m IMGAUG_MODE] [--suffix IMGAUG_SUFFIX] [-s SEED] [-a] [-T THRESHOLD]
optional arguments:
the direction to flip, available options: lr, ud, lrud
the image augmentation mode to use, available modes: replace, add
the suffix to use for the file names in case of augmentation mode add
-s SEED, --seed SEED
the seed value to use for the random number generator; randomly seeded if not provided
-a, --seed-augmentation
whether to seed the augmentation; if specified, uses the seeded random generator to produce a seed value from 0 to 1000 for the augmentation.
the threshold to use for Random.rand(): if equal or above, augmentation gets applied; range: 0-1; default: 0 (= always)
Applies gaussian blur to images.
Applies gaussian blur to images.
Domain(s): Image Object-Detection Domain, Image Classification Domain
usage: gaussian-blur [-m IMGAUG_MODE] [--suffix IMGAUG_SUFFIX] [-s SEED] [-a] [-f SIGMA_FROM] [-t SIGMA_TO] [-T THRESHOLD]
optional arguments:
the image augmentation mode to use, available modes: replace, add
the suffix to use for the file names in case of augmentation mode add
-s SEED, --seed SEED
the seed value to use for the random number generator; randomly seeded if not provided
-a, --seed-augmentation
whether to seed the augmentation; if specified, uses the seeded random generator to produce a seed value from 0 to 1000 for the augmentation.
-f SIGMA_FROM, --from-sigma SIGMA_FROM
the minimum sigma for the blur to apply to the images
-t SIGMA_TO, --to-sigma SIGMA_TO
the maximum sigma for the blur to apply to the images
the threshold to use for Random.rand(): if equal or above, augmentation gets applied; range: 0-1; default: 0 (= always)
Turns RGB images into fake grayscale ones by converting them to HSL and then using the L channel for all channels. The brightness can be influenced and varied even.
Turns RGB images into fake grayscale ones by converting them to HSL and then using the L channel for all channels. The brightness can be influenced and varied even.
Domain(s): Image Object-Detection Domain, Image Classification Domain
usage: hsl-grayscale [-f FACTOR_FROM] [-t FACTOR_TO] [-m IMGAUG_MODE] [--suffix IMGAUG_SUFFIX] [-s SEED] [-a] [-T THRESHOLD]
optional arguments:
-f FACTOR_FROM, --from-factor FACTOR_FROM
the start of the factor range to apply to the L channel to darken or lighten the image (<1: darker, >1: lighter)
-t FACTOR_TO, --to-factor FACTOR_TO
the end of the factor range to apply to the L channel to darken or lighten the image (<1: darker, >1: lighter)
the image augmentation mode to use, available modes: replace, add
the suffix to use for the file names in case of augmentation mode add
-s SEED, --seed SEED
the seed value to use for the random number generator; randomly seeded if not provided
-a, --seed-augmentation
whether to seed the augmentation; if specified, uses the seeded random generator to produce a seed value from 0 to 1000 for the augmentation.
the threshold to use for Random.rand(): if equal or above, augmentation gets applied; range: 0-1; default: 0 (= always)
Applies linear contrast to images.
Applies linear contrast to images.
Domain(s): Image Object-Detection Domain, Image Classification Domain
usage: linear-contrast [-f ALPHA_FROM] [-t ALPHA_TO] [-m IMGAUG_MODE] [--suffix IMGAUG_SUFFIX] [-s SEED] [-a] [-T THRESHOLD]
optional arguments:
-f ALPHA_FROM, --from-alpha ALPHA_FROM
the minimum alpha to apply to the images
-t ALPHA_TO, --to-alpha ALPHA_TO
the maximum alpha to apply to the images
the image augmentation mode to use, available modes: replace, add
the suffix to use for the file names in case of augmentation mode add
-s SEED, --seed SEED
the seed value to use for the random number generator; randomly seeded if not provided
-a, --seed-augmentation
whether to seed the augmentation; if specified, uses the seeded random generator to produce a seed value from 0 to 1000 for the augmentation.
the threshold to use for Random.rand(): if equal or above, augmentation gets applied; range: 0-1; default: 0 (= always)
Rotates images randomly within a range of degrees or by a specified degree. Specify seed value and force augmentation to be seeded to generate repeatable augmentations.
Rotates images randomly within a range of degrees or by a specified degree. Specify seed value and force augmentation to be seeded to generate repeatable augmentations.
Domain(s): Image Object-Detection Domain, Image Classification Domain
usage: rotate [-f DEGREE_FROM] [-t DEGREE_TO] [-m IMGAUG_MODE] [--suffix IMGAUG_SUFFIX] [-s SEED] [-a] [-T THRESHOLD]
optional arguments:
-f DEGREE_FROM, --from-degree DEGREE_FROM
the start of the degree range to use for rotating the images
-t DEGREE_TO, --to-degree DEGREE_TO
the end of the degree range to use for rotating the images
the image augmentation mode to use, available modes: replace, add
the suffix to use for the file names in case of augmentation mode add
-s SEED, --seed SEED
the seed value to use for the random number generator; randomly seeded if not provided
-a, --seed-augmentation
whether to seed the augmentation; if specified, uses the seeded random generator to produce a seed value from 0 to 1000 for the augmentation.
the threshold to use for Random.rand(): if equal or above, augmentation gets applied; range: 0-1; default: 0 (= always)
Scales images randomly within a range of percentages or by a specified percentage. Specify seed value and force augmentation to be seeded to generate repeatable augmentations.
Scales images randomly within a range of percentages or by a specified percentage. Specify seed value and force augmentation to be seeded to generate repeatable augmentations.
Domain(s): Image Object-Detection Domain, Image Classification Domain
usage: scale [-m IMGAUG_MODE] [--suffix IMGAUG_SUFFIX] [-k] [-f PERCENTAGE_FROM] [-t PERCENTAGE_TO] [-s SEED] [-a] [-T THRESHOLD] [-u]
optional arguments:
the image augmentation mode to use, available modes: replace, add
the suffix to use for the file names in case of augmentation mode add
-k, --keep-aspect
whether to keep the aspect ratio
the start of the percentage range to use for scaling the images
the end of the percentage range to use for scaling the images
-s SEED, --seed SEED
the seed value to use for the random number generator; randomly seeded if not provided
-a, --seed-augmentation
whether to seed the augmentation; if specified, uses the seeded random generator to produce a seed value from 0 to 1000 for the augmentation.
the threshold to use for Random.rand(): if equal or above, augmentation gets applied; range: 0-1; default: 0 (= always)
-u, --update-size
whether to update the image size after the scaling operation or use original size
Extracts sub-images (incl their annotations) from the images coming through, using the defined regions.
usage: sub-images [-p] [-s REGION_SORTING] [-r REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
optional arguments:
-p, --include-partial
whether to include only annotations that fit fully into a region or also partial ones (default: False)
how to sort the supplied region definitions: none|x-then-y|y-then-x (default: none)
-r REGIONS [REGIONS ...], --regions REGIONS [REGIONS ...]
the regions (X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT) to crop and forward with their annotations (default: [])