项目作者: lol838337

项目描述 :
Hands-Free automated slideshow for Imgur Albums
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/lol838337/hands-free-slider.git
创建时间: 2017-02-06T23:05:05Z




Hands-Free automated slideshow for Imgur Albums


  1. Offline Storage for Albums
  2. Timed Slideshow for Albums (default time 15s, needs work)
  3. Fullscreen-friendly

How to install

For Windows

  1. Download the repo as a zip file
  2. Extract the zip file to wherever you want to keep it
  3. Open the install-windows folder

  4. Run the python3.6.0.exe file to install Python
    Make sure to check the ‘Add Python to PATH option’

  5. Run the install.bat file to install the prerequisites

  6. The Installation is Complete!!

How to Run

For Windows

  1. Run the run.bat file

  2. Type the following in your browser

  3. Copy and paste the Imgur album URL in the given text field and click Submit

  4. Enjoy!!

How to Use

  1. To start a slideshow, click on the Click link to enter fullscreen and start the slideshow

  1. (Down Arrow) - Next Image
  2. (Up Arrow) - Previous Image
  3. (Right Arrow)- Load the description link Imgur album if one exists

Known issues and fixes

  1. ‘You have x unapplied migrations, .. run python manage.py migrate to apply them’
  • run migrate.bat to apply the migrations
  • run run.bat to start the server again