[Docker] ads-ioc / EPICS IOC docker image for communicating with Beckhoff TwinCAT-based PLCs via ADS
Running an IOC:
$ eval $(docker-machine env)
$ docker run -im pcdshub/ads-ioc:R0.6.1
Args to be passed to the adsIoc
binary can be specified after the image name
above. For example:
$ docker run -im pcdshub/ads-ioc:R0.6.1 st.cmd
Prior to updating ads-deploy, first update this docker image.
1. Tag and release ads-ioc
a. Use the R0.0.0 style in accordance with module/IOC
versioning standards
2. Update the Dockerfile
a. Update any dependency versions that may have changed in the
latest release
b. If the ADS module itself has been updated, update
c. Near the end of the Dockerfile, update `ADS_IOC_VERSION`.
Note that this is separate from the other sections, as putting it
near the top would cause an unnecessary rebuild of all dependencies
upon update of the `ADS_IOC_VERSION`.
3. Rebuild
$ export ADS_IOC_VERSION={version here}
$ docker build -t pcdshub/ads-ioc:${ADS_IOC_VERSION} .
$ docker build -t pcdshub/ads-ioc:latest .
4. Push
$ docker push pcdshub/ads-ioc:${ADS_IOC_VERSION}
$ docker push pcdshub/ads-ioc:latest
5. Commit, tag, and push to GitHub
$ git tag ${ADS_IOC_VERSION}
$ git push
$ git push --tags