IP geolocation with ipdata.co
go get -u github.com/andsala/geoip
$ geoip
United States (US)
North America (NA)
Coordinates: 37.751, -97.822
Flag: 🇺🇸
Time zone: America/Chicago, GMT-0500 (CDT)
Currency: US Dollar (USD, $)
Languages: English
Calling code: +1
Organization: Google LLC (google.com)
AS number: AS15169
Threat: None
--api-key value, -a value ipdata.co api key [$GEOIP_API_KEY]
--ip-only, --ip Print current public IP and exit
--json, -j Print pure json
--no-color Disable color and emoji output [$NO_COLOR] (http://no-color.org)
--user-agent value, -u value HTTP user agent [$GEOIP_USER_AGENT]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
This project is distributed under the MIT License.