fail2ban based blacklisting of hosts and subnets
Logfiles are analyzed using existing fail2ban configuration.
Regardless of actions taken by fail2ban, these scripts perform a blacklisting in an additional layer.
IP ranges in this blacklist can be partly or completely locked out.
When there is no traffic from the blocked addresses for some time, the blacklisting will be undone.
A working fail2ban configuration is required for these scripts.
First, pairs of logfiles and fail2ban configuration files must be configured in the array @conf
(There is a @whitelist
that may be configured, too.)
Install the scripts
in an appropiate directory, e.g. /usr/local/sbin
Create a new chain “blacklist” in iptables:
iptables -N blacklist
Jump to this chain from the INPUT chain, unconditional or for specific ports.
(The latter has the advantage that these adresses remain accessible.)
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports ftp-data,ftp,ssh,smtp,pop3,imap2,urd,submission,ftps,imaps,pop3s -m state --state NEW -j blacklist
Run the scripts
on a regular schedule, e.g. by cron:
# min hour dom month dow user command
13 19 * * * root | sh; iptables -Z blacklist
14 1-19/6 * * * root -interval="2 days"| sh
Adjust values to your needs.
This program performes the configured log file analysis and counts access
violations per IP address.
It does not modify entries in the blacklist chain but instead generates
statements that need to be fed into a shell to do so.
The program has three options:
process log entries from the given time onwards.
process log entries from the given relative time interval
causes the program not to generate iptables statements.
Instead it gives a report about the current state and the actions that
woud be generated if called without -list
It reports the address or subnet, a flag, the number of reported violations and
the number of reported subitems, if any.
Flag is t for an entry already present in the blacklist chain, b for
an entry that would be generated and p for an entry that has blacklisted
This program generates iptables commands to delete entries from the blacklist
chain that have a packet counter of zero.
A call to iptables -Z blacklist
is required after
has been run.