Distributed firewall manager
dog_trainer is the central server component of dog,
a centralized firewall management system.
If you already have a CA and per-server certs, you can reuse them, or buy new ones
You can create your own self-signed certs with your own Certificate Authority.
One option to get you started is: https://github.com/relaypro-open/csc
sudo apt install rethinkdb=2.3.6~0xenial
For high availability, setup replication: sharding-and-replication
RethinkDB’s web console doesn’t require authentication,
but you can use oauth2_proxy oauth2-proxy
for that purpose.
Automatically created on dog_trainer start.
Definitions for some well known services can be imported.
rethinkdb import -f /opt/dog_trainer/scripts/default_services.json --table dog.service
sudo apt install rabbitmq-server=3.7.17-1
cp config/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf /etc/rabbitmq/
#edit rabbitmq to reflect location of certs and
#you should replace PRIVATE_IP with an IP that is not accessible via the
#pubilc internet.
cp config/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins /etc/rabbitmq/
restart rabbitmq-server
#edit setup_rabbitmq.sh, define variables.
It’s useful to create service names for the dog_trainer clients to connect to.
You may want to create one for each type of connection:
You can deploy multiple rabbitmq servers across regions, using the federation
plugin to replcate client queues
and exchanges. You can then connect your agents to these distributed rabbitmqs
via their local private IPs,
avoiding having to have agents connect to a rabbitmq in another region across
the public internet.
RabbitMQ federation
Create directories:
github.com builds releases for Ubuntu x86
Download latest release archive:
Extract archive to /opt/dog_trainer/
Create configuration file /etc/dog_trainer/dog_trainer.config, based on this template:
{% raw %}
{dog_trainer, [
{keepalive_alert_seconds, 60}
{sync, [
{growl, none},
{log, [warnings, errors]},
{non_descendants, fix},
{executable, auto},
{whitelisted_modules, []},
{excluded_modules, []}
{lager, [
{handlers, [
{lager_default_formatter, [time,
" [", severity, "] ", pid, " (", {turbine_id, "non-turbine"}, ") ==> ", message, "\n"]}]},
{{lager_file_backend, "error_log"}, [{file, "/var/log/dog_trainer/error.log"}, {level, error}]},
{{lager_file_backend, "console_log"}, [{file, "/var/log/dog_trainer/console.log"}, {level, info }]}
{crash_log, "/var/log/dog_trainer/crash.log"},
{tracefiles, [
{async_threshold, 10000},
{sieve_threshold, 5000},
{sieve_window, 100}
{thumper, [
{substitution_rules, []},
{thumper_svrs, [default, publish]},
{brokers, [
{default, [
{port, 5673},
{api_port, 15672},
{virtual_host, <<"dog">>},
{user, <<"dog_trainer">>},
{password, <<"PASSWORD">>},
{ssl_options, [{cacertfile, "/opt/dog_trainer/priv/certs/rabbitmq/ca/cacert.pem"},
{certfile, "/opt/dog_trainer/priv/certs/rabbitmq/client/cert.pem"},
{keyfile, "/opt/dog_trainer/priv/certs/rabbitmq/client/key.pem"},
{verify, verify_none},
{fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}
{publish, [{rabbitmq_config, default}]}
{enabled, true},
{dir, "/var/db/dog_trainer/queuejournal"},
{memqueue_max, 10000},
{check_journal, true}
{erlcloud, [
{aws_config, [
{ec2_host, "ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"}
{% endraw %}
$ rebar as $ENV tar
#copy tar to system, extract to /opt/dog_trainer
Setup systemd service
cp config/dog_trainer.service /lib/systemd/system/dog_trainer.service
systemctl enable dog_trainer
systemctl start dog_trainer