Materials and resources for "WTF is... Machine Learning?"
Materials for the WTF is Machine Learning event held on November 18, 2017 by VietStartup London.
For the event attendees, please make sure that you complete steps 1-7 below.
Download Anaconda distribution Python version 3.6 from
Follow the installation instructions for your system on
Download this project using this link:
Move the zip file to your Documents folder and unzip it.
Start a new terminal (in Linux or Mac Os) or command promt (In Windows, press Start > Run > type in cmd
), and enter:
jupyter notebook
A new tab should open in your browser with the Jupyter notebook application running on localhost:8888
. Navigate to the folder in Documents containing the project “wtf-is-machine-learning”.
Open up “IntroductionToPython.ipynb” to familiarise yourself with Python and Jupyter notebook. Pay particular attention to section 6 in the notebook but don’t sweat over it too much. We will help you during the session.
You can then proceed with the notebook ‘LinearRegression.ipynb’, followed by ‘LogisticRegression.ipynb’. If you are up for a challenge try the Hard version instead.
This event was organized by (in alphabetical order):