项目作者: f5devcentral

项目描述 :
BIG-IQ Product Management Team Repository
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-big-iq-pm-team.git
创建时间: 2017-08-07T16:09:07Z



F5 BIG-IQ Product Management Team: Tools

This GitHub Repository is managed by the F5 BIG-IQ Product Management Team.

Bugs and Requests for enhancements can be made by opening an Issue within the repository.

Tools Description
f5-bigiq-as3-rpm-update This script will help you to update AS3 on BIG-IQ. Check K54909607 for more details.
f5-bigiq-do-rpm-update This script will help you to update DO on BIG-IQ. Check K54909607 for more details.
f5-bigiq-connectivityChecks This script will run a sequence checks to verify connectivity between BIG-IQ CM, DCD and BIG-IPs.
f5-bigiq-dcd-health-checks This scirpt will run sequence of checks on the BIG-IQ DCD(s).
f5-bigiq-SSLcertKeyCRLimportTool Automate import of SSL Cert, Key & CRL from BIG-IP to BIG-IQ.
/!\ This feature is available in BIG-IQ 7.0 /!\
f5-bigiq-licenseUtilityReport Utility Billing Report - Generate a usage report for your utility license(s) and provide to F5, Inc. for billing purposes.
/!\ This feature is available in BIG-IQ 6.1 /!\
f5-bigiq-f5sanitizeUsageReport Script to obfuscated IP/MAC addresses and Hostnames from a BIG-IQ JSON report.
/!\ This feature is available in BIG-IQ 6.1 /!\
f5-bigiq-syncSharedAFMobjectsTool Script to export AFM objects (port lists, address lists, rule lists, policies and policy rules) from 1 BIG-IQ to another.
f5-bigiq-branchRuleManager This script will allow you to set advanced expression for branch rules in access policies (per-session and per-request).
f5-bigiq-deleteOrphanObjects-apm This script will identify and delete orphan APM objects on BIG-IQ (Access Policy Manager).
f5-bigiq-ssl-vpn-split-tunneling-and-ipv4exclude-addresses This script will update IPv4 Exclude Address Space for all the Network Access objects for new IP Address list in the given Access Group on the BIG-IQ.
f5-bigiq-unreachable-device-license This powershell script will help you to get a license for an unreachable BIG-IP device from a License Pool on BIG-IQ.
f5-bigiq-generate-cert-with-SAN This bash script will help you to generate self signed cert with IP address in SAN field.
f5-bigiq-ansible-runner Run Ansible in a docker container on BIG-IQ.