An "experimental" Discord moderation bot written with Java Discord API (JDA)
Project Lynx is an actively developing project that is in its early stages of development. Up-time may vary from time-to-time, and errors can occur early at this stage.
Please read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy statements for use of the public bot Lucky Lynx.
A Discord Bot built using the JDA Library and Java.
Project Lynx (formeley known as Discord-Lynx) is an experimental moderation Discord bot that can be deployed with ease via self-hosting or using the public Lucky Lynx bot!
Lucky Lynx has the following features:
Just invite Lucky Lynx to your Discord with the link above and you can start configuring with Lucky Lynx’s special easy-configure feature!
You can help support the project by providing ideas for the bot by submitting an issue, joining the Alpha Serpentis Developments Discord server and discussing ideas, and or going on Patreon and providing monthly support to help keep the project active.