A task for Bonus Point from HSE
Implement cubic spline interpolation algorithm and draw resulting a graph for a given set of 2-dimensional points
Any text file with 2N
integer or floating point values. It must not contain any other data.
If the number of points is less than 3 or if there are at least 2 points with the same X coordinate the program will show an error messagebox.
-87.6083 32.7009
66.8744 42.2585
75.6633 44.6086
-55.5066 28.8486
46.2896 -12.5529
-51.2362 21.5556
78.5095 6.7208
95.6425 29.2169
-71.4888 -7.3083
-84.2601 9.0064
Plot constructed using the sample file (points.txt
On the left there’s result of some online tool and the output of my program is on the right.
|-- README.md
|-- points.txt - Sample file with points
`-- src - Directory with source code
|-- interpolation.cpp - Logic for reading data and interpolating
|-- interpolation.h
|-- main.cpp
|-- mainwindow.cpp - View logic
|-- mainwindow.h
|-- mainwindow.ui - Form
|-- polynomial.cpp - Class Polynomial
|-- polynomial.h
|-- qcustomplot.cpp - Library for plotting
|-- qcustomplot.h - Library for plotting
`-- spline-interpolation.pro - Qt project file