项目作者: Lcrypto

项目描述 :
Covariance Evolution for LDPC codes finite length construction
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/Lcrypto/Covariance-Evolution-.git
创建时间: 2019-09-21T09:57:58Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Covariance Evolution for LDPC codes finite length construction under BEC-channel with Octopus protograph. After paper published, i’ll disclosure full version of source code.

Example of waterfall prediction for rate and length adaptive (25/32<Rate<25/74, 10000<k< 250) Multi-Edge TYPE LDPC code (Richardson protograph) under AWGN-channel (use same idea as Yury Polyanskiy Bound, shift from threshold, but not full analytical proof yet, for BSC exist EXIT-like chart with some stronger proof, using Hard-decision we can get bsc-channel from awgn-channel). In Dr. Richardson file tabulated a, b, VN, CN, Circulant and calculate WER(SNR) = Q(a(10log10(SNR)-b)). Using linear interpolation get values for circulant between.

Covariance Evolution estimation of irregular LDPC List Sum-Product decoder under q-ary symmetric channel from Dr. Fan Zhang, paper https://arxiv.org/abs/0806.3243, Matlab source code https://github.com/Lcrypto/Covariance-Evolution-/tree/master/Covariance_Evolution_of_LIST_BP_under_q-ary_channel