项目作者: xCuri0

项目描述 :
Black frame insertion for OpenGL applications
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/xCuri0/blackframe-insertion.git
创建时间: 2017-07-18T04:52:02Z

开源协议:MIT License


Black Frame Insertion

This LD_PRELOAD library inserts black every other frame to reduce motion blur. Works with any OpenGL game uses glXSwapBuffers. The game may be darker and there may be flickering which could annoy some people. It is recommended that you increase backlight brightness , enable VSync and if possible use a 120+hz monitor to prevent flickering and dark images.

Compiling and running

Compile using gcc -Wall -fPIC -shared -o blackframe.so main.c -lGL -ldl and run with LD_PRELOAD=blackframe.so **GAMEEXECUTABLE**. All games that use glXSwapBuffers are supported and EGL support is planned in the future. Since this game injects code into the game some anti-cheat software may get you banned.


Just submit a pull request or create an issue of whatever you want. If you are making a pull request be sure to keep the code looking clean and not messy.

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