An animation FreeCAD workbench
An animation FreeCAD workbench
The aim of this workbench is to facilitate an easy way to make animations of your mechanical project.
At this point, it provides 7 tools:
Using them you can move objects along trajectories. A trajectory is specified by assigned poses at given times.
Then you can record this movement into series of images and export as a video afterwards.
These tools can be used to control a robot consisting of separate parts/links. Motion of those parts is
described using Denavit-Hartenbergs notation for Revolute and Prismatic joints represented by
RobRotation and RobTranslation tools respectively. For more info check User Guide, Documentation or Double pendulum example.
All you need to know you’ll find out on Animate website
So let’s go take a look.
The future plans include making Camera and Endpoint tool. Camera tool will change viewport’s location and shape in time according to setting and Endpoint tool will make a graph of it’s position (velocity, acceleration) in time. Also server focused on working with Animate tools is planned, it should be able to send numbers in their binary form instead of string one.
I’d like to thank to FreeCAD community for responding to my questions in the FreeCAD Forum.