项目作者: incubateind

项目描述 :
Voice Editor
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/incubateind/voice-editor.git
创建时间: 2019-12-08T11:11:07Z



Type by Voice Instructions

This Project enables the user to type using voice commands without requiring to use keyboard at all.

Please feel free to create Issues if you find a bug somewhere or send a Pull Request if you wish to improve the existing code/add a new feature. :)



Fork the repository on GitHub. Refer here for any help.


Clone the project locally.

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/GITHUB-USERNAME/voice-editor.git

Change directory to folder voice-editor.

  1. $ cd voice-editor


Add upstream.

  1. $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/incubateindia/voice-editor.git


Create a branch for fixing a problem or developing any feature.
Make sure that you are executing this command from the master branch to avoid any conflicts later.

  1. $ git checkout -b BRANCH-NAME


Then you can go ahead and make any changes you want.

Use the following command to see the files you have modified.

  1. $ git status

Use the following command to see the exact changes you have made to the files.

  1. $ git diff


If you are developing a big feature, you can go ahead and break it down into components and create individual commits for all of them. To create a commit, execute the following commands.

Add files to the staging area.

  1. $ git add FILE-NAME.EXTENSION


If you have only modified some files and want to add all of them to the staging area in one go, execute the following command.

  1. $ git add .

After you have add all your files to the staging area, you can commit your changes with a commit message specifying what you have done by executing the following command.

  1. $ git commit -m "COMMIT-MESSAGE-GOES-HERE"

Congratulations! You have created your commit.

You can repeat this, for any changes you are making.


After commiting your changes, you are now ready to push your changes to your fork. In order to do that, execute the following command.

  1. $ git push origin BRANCH-NAME

Now your changes are available online in your fork and you are now ready to create your pull request.

Pull Request

Go back to your fork available at https://github.com/GITHUB-USERNAME/voice-editor. You would now see that there is a navigation bar above the navigation bar containing Clone or download button on the right, which contains your branch name on the left and a button stating Compare & pull request on the right.

Click on the Compare & pull request button and you would be redirected to a page asking you to specify your pull request descriptions, heading, branch name, etc. Fill them and then click on Create pull request.

Hurray! You have created your very first pull request :)


You can create pull request for task modules related to planning and research by keeping your idea files inside plans/ directory. Please make sure to include task number in your file name.

For other tasks, keep your codes inside modules/ directory before creating the pull request and include task number somewhere in the file name.

Then we can integrate different modules into a working application.