项目作者: Tanuj2552

项目描述 :
This repo contains my code and simulation results to the I2C communication between 1 master arduino and two slave arduinos.
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/Tanuj2552/I2C-Communnication-between-multiple-Arduinos.git


If you want a basic understanding of Arduino, you can refer to our clubs youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/RIGNITC

It contains a zip folder of power point presentation of basics of Arduino and Arduino IDE

This repo contains basics of Arduino PPT and some basic codes and simulations in tinkercad

This repo contains my code and simulation results to the I2C communication between 1 master arduino and two slave arduinos.

All the codes of the arduinos are written in Arduino IDE.

The simulaiton was done in a free online simulator TinkerCad.

The projects demonstrates the communicaiton between them, like:

Step 1: The Slave 1 will be generating the numbers 0,1,2…continiously and will be sending it to the Master Arduino

Step 2: The Master Arduino, will be continously receiving the numbers being sent by Slave 1 and send those numbers to Slave 2

Step 3: The Slave 2 will be continioulsy receiving the numbers being sent by Master Arduino, and will blink the led’s and display the nubmers on the led as descirbed below:

0: Glow Blue Led

1: Glow Red Led

2: Glow both Led’s

The simulations are done in a free online simulator called tinkercad
