Convolutions in parallel with MPI and OPENMP
This project aims to apply the Emboss kernel on images in both serial and parallel. Parallel versions use MPI and OpenMP.
This code is for an assignment and is not production grade.
Spreasheet with results (time, speedup and efficiency):
The result should be as below:
Original image:
Processed image:
When running the parallel version, each process will generate part of the final result, as shown below for 4 processes:
Process 0:
Process 1:
Process 2:
Process 3:
To compile, run make all
To run the serial version on an example image, run:
./build/serial images/lena.bmp lena_serial.bmp
To run a parallel version of the algorithm using MPI with 4 processes, run:
mpirun -n 4 ./build/parallel-mpi images/lena.bmp lena_mpi.bmp
To make each process output its partial result, use verbose
as shown below:
mpirun -n 4 ./build/parallel-mpi images/lena.bmp lena_mpi.bmp verbose
To run a parallel version of the algorithm using MPI an OpenMP with 4 processes, run:
mpirun -n 4 ./build/parallel-mpiomp images/lena.bmp lena_mpi_omp.bmp
To generate random images with noise for testing purposes, run ./
To run experiments and print average time spent processing images generated in the step above, run fire
# Serial
# OpenMP
# MPI+OpenMP
Problem: When using the MPI version, the final image looks distorted.
Root cause: Processes 0 and N-2 deliver more pixels then they should ahte they are used to assemble the final image.
Resolution date: Probably after the end of this semester when I manage to finish other assignments.
Problem: When using MPI and OpenMP together the application might eventually end unexpectedly.
Root cause: The reason was not found yet.
I plan to fix bugs and separate the code for Bitmap manipulation from the application code as a lib.