项目作者: rbackhouse

项目描述 :
Music Player Daemon client written in javascript
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/rbackhouse/mpdjs.git
创建时间: 2012-12-19T21:12:09Z

开源协议:MIT License



Note mpdjs is no longer actively developed. See MaximumMPD for a replacement

Music Player Daemon client written in javascript.

A proxy running on a nodejs server provides the connection to the Music Play Daemon process. The Frontend is written using JQuery/JQuery Mobile/Backbone/Underscore.
JavaScript optimization provided by Zazl (https://github.com/zazl/zazloptimizer). A WebSocket is used to push status updates to the browser.


From npm

  1. npm install mpdjs

From git

  1. git clone git@github.com:rbackhouse/mpdjs.git
  2. (or download the zipped source from https://github.com/rbackhouse/mpdjs/archive/master.zip)
  3. cd mpdjs
  4. npm install


  1. node node_modules/mpdjs [http port] [MPD hostname] [MPD port] [javascript compression] [MPD password]


  1. node node_modules/mpdjs 8080 localhost 6600 false mypass

Point browser to http://[host]:[http port]

iOS App

You can install a iOS based version of MPDjs from iTunes via https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/mpdjs/id965553250?mt=8