Music Player Daemon client written in javascript
Note mpdjs is no longer actively developed. See MaximumMPD for a replacement
Music Player Daemon client written in javascript.
A proxy running on a nodejs server provides the connection to the Music Play Daemon process. The Frontend is written using JQuery/JQuery Mobile/Backbone/Underscore.
JavaScript optimization provided by Zazl ( A WebSocket is used to push status updates to the browser.
From npm
npm install mpdjs
From git
git clone
(or download the zipped source from
cd mpdjs
npm install
node node_modules/mpdjs [http port] [MPD hostname] [MPD port] [javascript compression] [MPD password]
node node_modules/mpdjs 8080 localhost 6600 false mypass
Point browser to http://[host]:[http port]
You can install a iOS based version of MPDjs from iTunes via