MSI Gaming Device control application
The msigd
command line tool allows you to change most settings for MSI monitors which can be set in the monitor’s OSD menu.
Warning: Use msigd
only if you are sure what you are doing.
The monitor firmware seems to have no protection against unsupported accesses.
Using msigd
may make your monitor permantently unusable.
Please make sure you use at least msigd version 0.17
With version 0.12 the syntax of the “—mystic” option has changed. For the
MPG273CQR two led groups (0 and 1) are supported. For all other mystic light
monitors only group 1 is supported.
OS | Compiler | Status |
Linux | g++ | |
Windows | MinGW++ | |
OSX | clang++ |
All monitors for which the OSD Gaming Device App is available most likely
should be supported. There are differences between those monitors which msigd
currently does not know about.
If you own an MSI monitor supported by the MSI App, please provide the following
information by opening an issue.
msigd --debug --info --query
ID | Firmware | Supported | Version | Special | Panel | Manual | |
MPG27CQ | ? | Yes | “V18” | “001” | ? | ||
MAG241C | ? | Yes | “V18” | “002” | ? | Manual | |
MAG241C | ? | Yes | “V49” | “002” | ? | ||
MAG241CP | ? | Yes | “V18” | “002” | ? | Manual | |
MAG241CV | ? | Yes | “V18” | “002” | ? | Manual | |
MAG241CR | ? | Yes | “V18” | “004” | ? | Manual | |
MAG271CR | ? | Yes | “V18” | “005” | ? | Manual | |
MAG271CQR | ? | Yes | “V19” | “006” | TPM270WQ1_DP01 | ||
MAG321CQR | ? | Yes | “V18” | “00:” | ? | ||
MAG321CURV | FW.009 | Yes | “V18” | “00;” | SAM_LSM315FP01 | Manual | |
MAG321CURV | FW.011 | Yes | “V43” | “00;” | ? | Manual | |
MPG341CQR | ? | WIP | “V09” | “00>” | ? | Manual | |
PS341WU | FW.024 | Yes | “V06” | “00?” | ? | ||
MPG273CQR | FW.022 | Yes | “V51” | “00[“ | ? | Manual | |
MAG251RX | ? | WIP | “V18” | “00B” | ? | Manual | |
MAG272CQR | ? | Yes | “V18” | “00E” | ? | Manual | |
MAG272CQR | ? | Yes | “V41” | “00E” | ? | Manual | |
MAG272QR | ? | Partial 1) | “V18” | “00G” | ? | Manual | |
MAG272 | ? | Yes | “V18” | “00L” | ? | Manual | |
MAG272QP | ? | Yes | “V18” | “00O” | ? | Manual | |
MAG274R | ? | Yes | “V41” | “00Z” | ? | Manual | |
MAG274QRF-QD | FW.011 | Yes | “V43” | “00e” | AUO_M270DAN08_2 | ||
MAG274QRF-QD | FW.015 | Yes | “V48” | “00e” | AUO_M270DAN08_2 | ||
MAG274QRF-QD | FW.020 | Yes | “V56” | “00e” | AUO_M270DAN08_2 | Manual | |
MAG274QRX | ? | Partial 2) | “V53” | “00\ | “ | ? | Manual |
MAG270CR | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
MAG271C | ? | ? | “V18” | “002” | ? | Manual | |
MAG271CP | ? | ? | “V18” | “002” | ? | Manual | |
MAG271CQP | ? | ? | “V19” | “006” | ? | ||
MAG271CV | ? | ? | “V18” | “002” | ? | Manual | |
MAG271QR | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
MAG271R | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
MAG271V | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
MAG272C | ? | ? | “V18” | “00O” | ? | ||
MAG272CR | ? | ? | “V18” | “00O” | ? | ||
MAG272CRX | ? | ? | “V18” | “00O” | ? | ||
MAG272R | ? | ? | “V18” | “00O” | ? | ||
MAG322CQR | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
MAG322CQRV | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
MAG322CR | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
MPG341CQRV | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
MD272QP | ? | Partial 3) | “V51” | “00\x85” | ? | Manual |
1) Mystic support is not working. Has 12 lights - Steel series interface?
2) Currently only query possible until feedback is given on issue #43
3) Audio Volume and Navi-Key not working
The panel information and more is displayed by the service menu.
The service menu also has more information about the preset color
temperature modes.
ID 1462:3fa4 Micro Star International
Make sure you have libusb installed. On debian based systems
sudo apt install libusb-dev libhidapi-dev
On Fedora use
dnf install libusb-devel hidapi-devel
Compile with
For Arch-Linux the name of the usb library differs (usb-1.0). Please use
sudo pacman -S libusb hidapi
make TARGETOS=arch
to install dependencies and compile.
Warning: you need Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 with a kernel version of at least
Make sure you have libusb installed. On debian based systems
sudo apt install libusb-dev libhidapi-dev
Compile with libusb
On Windows, install usbipd-win as described here.
You need to attach two usb devices to WSL. You can either find them in Device Manager or by checking usbpid wsl list
before and after pluggin in the monitor.
Drawback: Attached usb devices are not saved and need to be reattached every time the monitor is turned on.
Perform the steps of 4.1. Linux.
To compile on windows you need a working mingw environment.
Make sure you have libusb installed:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-libusb-compat-git
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-hidapi
make TARGETOS=windows
Make sure you have homebrew installed.
brew install libusb-compat
brew install hidapi
make TARGETOS=osx
This program needs root privilidges. Use with care.
Alternatively you may use udev to grant user access rights. More information is
available on here: Documentation on askubuntu
In a nutshell:
Ensure that your system has a group plugdev
and that the current user is a member of the plugdev
Create /etc/udev/rules.d/51-msi-gaming-device.rules
# Allow access to members of plugdev - both for usb and hidraw access
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1462", ATTR{idProduct}=="3fa4", GROUP="plugdev", TAG+="uaccess"
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1462", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3fa4", GROUP="plugdev", TAG+="uaccess"
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
On Windows 7 msigd
does need no additional user rights. It however conflicts
with OSD Gaming device software.
You have two alternatives:
Completely remove the MSI Gaming Device software to run the application.
Use Task Manager and stop MonitorMicroKeyDetector.exe
On OSX no elevated user rights are needed.
You can also use make USE_HIDAPI=0
to build with libusb
instead of the default libhidapi
This introduces issues on Windows and OSX builds and therefore is not recommended.
For Windows administrator rights are needed.
On OSX the usb interface will be claimed by the OSX HID driver. Basically this preventsmsigd
to claim the usb interface. There is no easy way around this. More information
can be found here: libusb FAQ.
A solution is described on stackoverflow.
This includes turning of security settings and thus I am not going to
pursue this further here.
Although documented in the manual setting the screen size (4:3, 16:9) is not
supported. The setting will kill the usb interface and the monitor needs a
plug/unplug power cable cycle.
Changing the quick charge setting is not supported. We were not able to identify
how to enable or disable quick charge programmatically. The status however
can be queried.
works with the modes user
, hdr
, cinema
, reader
and bw
In mode eyecare
it is always reported as on
while in modes adobe_rgb
, srgb
and dicom
it is always off
I have a usb swiched port. Upon pressing a button on the switch, keyboard and
mouse (or up to four devices) are switched between two computers: my desktop and
my laptop. There is a USB-C docking station connected to the switch. The laptop
is connected via USB-C. The docking station is connected to the USB-C hub and via
HDMI to input hdmi1
to the monitor.
The following script runs on the desktop. If the keyboard gets disconnect - switched
to laptop, it will switch monitor input to hdmi1
. Once the keyboard
reconnects, it will switch back monitor input to dp
The inotifywait
tool needed by this script is available on debian systems.
Use sudo apt install inotify-tools
to install it.
inotifywait -q -m ${WATCH_DIR} | while read event
f=`echo $event | cut -f 3 "-d "`
if [ _$f = _${WATCH_INPUT} ]; then
ev=`echo $event | cut -f 2 "-d "`
test _$ev = _DELETE && ./msigd --input $DISP_ALTERNATIVE
test _$ev = _CREATE && ./msigd --input $DISP_INPUT
The script below is an example on how to change display settings automatically
depending on the active application. When watching movies, you may want to use
image enhancement while when using the terminal you may prefer a reduced
This script is an example what you can do using msigd
DISP_DEFAULT='--brightness 80 --eye_saver off --image_enhancement off'
if [ ! -x "$(command -v xdotool)" ]; then
echo Error: xdotool required >&2
exit 1
while true; do
# Get foreground window commandline
vwin=`xdotool getwindowfocus`
vpid=`xdotool getwindowpid $vwin 2>/dev/null`
if [ "$vpid" != "" ]; then
cl=`cat /proc/${vpid}/cmdline | sed -e "s/\\x0/ /g"`
cl=`xdotool getwindowname $vwin`
case "$cl" in
nsetting='--brightness 30'
nsetting='--eye_saver on'
nsetting='--image_enhancement strong'
if [ "$nsetting" != "$setting" ]; then
sleep 1
mike-vivas contributed an example of using
msigd within a libvirt-qemu hook to automatically switch the monitor to
virtual guests booting up.
option betterWIP
monitors against manuals.John Wehin - PS341WU support and bug fixing
Daniel Connolly - MAG271CQR support
Maxime - MAG241C support
mike-vivas - Arch linux support, contrib
gbirchley - MAG272 support
Térence Clastres - MPG27CQ support and steel series LED support
elric1789 - MAG272QP support
andaag - MAG272CQR support
usrErr0r - MAG272QR support
glaon - MPG341CQR support
Marco Rodolfi - MAG274QRF-QD support
Preston - Multi-Monitor support
Michael J Brancato - Multi-Monitor support
Dominik Helfenstein - WSL compile instructions
Stephen Lee — MAG321QR support
Thorou - MAG271CR support
Skyyblaze - MAG241CR support
Deathof1 - MAG321CQR support
Maxime - MAG241C support
Sahil Gupte - MAG241C V49 support
Pontus Jensen Karlsson - MAG274R support
kunver400 - MAG274QRX support