Part-of-Speech tagger using word count, naive bayes and hmm approach
CS B551 Fall 2016, Assignment #3
Your names and user ids:
Sarvothaman Madhavan - madhavas
Raghavendra Nataraj - natarajr
Prateek Srivastava - pratsriv
(Based on skeleton code by D. Crandall)
While training the following probabilities are calculated using the plug-in principle (plug in the counts/total
occurrence in place of probabilities:
started the sentence
as that part of speech
in training data.
Complex Model:
For the complex model, we started out with estimating the P(S1/W) and P(S2/W) as special cases since these do not have
the same structure as all other probabilities i.e P(S3/W). Once these two are saved as tau1 and tau2, all other
probability calculations will lookup previous tau values to estimate current “level” probabilities and further save
it as current level of tau
Posterior Calculation:
For posterior calculation, we assume the HMM model
Accuracy Table for bc.test
Word Accuracy | Sentence Accuracy | |
Simplified | 93.96% | 47.50% |
hmm | 95.03% | 54.05% |
Complex | 92.61% | 44.45% |