项目作者: haribaskar
项目描述 :
List of scala bookmarks
项目地址: git://github.com/haribaskar/scala-bookmarks.git
Getting Started
- Programming in Scala - Highly recommended if you’re new to Scala. This book is the authoritative tutorial on the Scala programming language, co-written by the language’s designer, Martin Odersky. First edition is free online: (http://www.artima.com/pins1ed/)
- Scala for the Impatient - A rapid introduction to Scala for programmers who are competent in Java, C#, or C++
- Scala Cookbook - A book with more than 250 ready-to-use recipes and 700 code examples, this comprehensive cookbook covers the most common problems you’ll encounter when using the Scala language, libraries, and tools.
- Scala in Action - A book containing comprehensive tutorials that introduces Scala through clear explanations and numerous hands-on examples
- Scala in Depth - A guide book to using Scala with deep dives into necessary topics.
- Functional Programming in Scala
Coursera courses
To practice
Tutorials and Templates
Functional Programming
Unit Tests
- slogging: Typesafe-logging (and slf4j) compatible logging library based on macros
- fansi: Creating ANSI-coloured strings
- scopt: Command-line argument parser
- Potassium: Framework for writing robot software
- WPILib: Reimplementation of the FIRST Robotics WPILib libraries
- sglgears
- k8s-cli: CLI tools to generate Kubernetes resources for Akka, Play and Lagom-based applications
Functional Design Patterns
- Typeclassopedia
- The Essence of Functional Structures - Skills Matter advanced video
- Functor in Scala - Tony Morris
- Scala Type-class Hierarchy - Tony Morris
- Functional composition with Monads, Kleisli and Functors
- Arrow, Monads and Kleisli
Free Monads
- Overview of Free Monads in Cats
- Free Monads are simple
- Free Monads - what and why?
- Free Monads in Scalaz
- Herding Cats - Eugene Yokota - blog series
- Shapeless, Cats and kittens - iHeartRadio - presentation slide
- Handling failures using Xor and Validated
- A Type Astronauts Guide to Shapeless - Dave Gurnell - eBook
- Establishing Orbit with Shapeless - Dave Gurnell - Skills Matter beginner video
- Type Classes + Shapeless = Leaner, Cleaner Code
- Shapeless Futures
- Shapeless Monads
- First-class polymorphic function values in Shapeless - Miles Sabin - blog
- Type-level selection sort in shapeless - Miles Sabin - blog
Existential Types Or Abstract Type Members
Dependent Types
Dependency Injection in Scala
Setting up your environment
Scala Native
Natural Language Processing
- ScalaNLP - ScalaNLP is a suite of machine learning and numerical computing libraries.
- Breeze - Breeze is a numerical processing library for Scala.
- Chalk - Chalk is a natural language processing library.
- FACTORIE - FACTORIE is a toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala. It provides its users with a succinct language for creating relational factor graphs, estimating parameters and performing inference.
- Montague - Montague is a semantic parsing library for Scala with an easy-to-use DSL.
Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- MLlib in Apache Spark - Distributed machine learning library in Spark
- Hydrosphere Mist - a service for deployment Apache Spark MLLib machine learning models as realtime, batch or reactive web services.
- Scalding - A Scala API for Cascading.
- Summing Bird - Streaming MapReduce with Scalding and Storm.
- Algebird - Abstract Algebra for Scala.
- xerial - Data management utilities for Scala.
- PredictionIO - PredictionIO, a machine learning server for software developers and data engineers.
- BIDMat - CPU and GPU-accelerated matrix library intended to support large-scale exploratory data analysis.
- Flink - Open source platform for distributed stream and batch data processing.
- Spark Notebook - Interactive and Reactive Data Science using Scala and Spark.
Machine Learning
- DeepLearning.scala - Creating statically typed dynamic neural networks from object-oriented & functional programming constructs.
- Conjecture - Scalable Machine Learning in Scalding.
- brushfire - Distributed decision tree ensemble learning in Scala.
- ganitha - Scalding powered machine learning.
- adam - A genomics processing engine and specialized file format built using Apache Avro, Apache Spark and Parquet. Apache 2 licensed.
- bioscala - Bioinformatics for the Scala programming language
- BIDMach - CPU and GPU-accelerated Machine Learning Library.
- Figaro - a Scala library for constructing probabilistic models.
- H2O Sparkling Water - H2O and Spark interoperability.
- FlinkML in Apache Flink - Distributed machine learning library in Flink.
- DynaML - Scala Library/REPL for Machine Learning Research.
- Saul - Flexible Declarative Learning-Based Programming.
- SwiftLearner - Simply written algorithms to help study ML or write your own implementations.
- Smile - Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine.
- doddle-model - An in-memory machine learning library built on top of Breeze. It provides immutable objects and exposes its functionality through a scikit-learn-like API.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to add a new list item or category to the list. Do not submit an item that is not a learning resource.

This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.